Cisco Blogs / Jérémie Garnier
Jérémie Garnier

Software Engineer
Service Provider
Jérémie has been working in Cisco’s Innovation Department for over ten years, focusing on Cloud software solutions including Solr/Lucene, Kafka, Zookeeper, Hadoop, as well as Android and HTML5.
While this role has afforded the opportunity to learn and stay on the cutting-edge of Innovation Technologies, Jérémie has also spent much of the last five years bringing people in the development community together by co-leading DevOps transformation within Cisco, organizing Unconferences and managing developer communities.
As part of his ongoing innovation work, Jérémie is involved in the Paris Innovation & Research Lab and the DevNet Hackathons in Europe .
Jérémie is currently working on the
PNDA project which brings together a number of open source technologies to provide a simple, scalable, open platform for big data network analytics
Cisco Crosswork – Part 5: Data Platform
In February, Cisco announced its latest innovation – Cisco Crosswork Network Automation – a new network automation portfolio for Service Providers. Read Jonathan Davidson’s blog for an overview to understand our comprehensive approach to enabling a closed-loop, mass-scale automation solution. This…