Small Business

May 27, 2014


How to Properly Optimize Your Website to Increase Business

If you want to get more leads for your business, you need to increase the traffic to your website. We live in an age where anyone who fails to take full advantage of the Internet’s massive potential is missing out on a crucial number of customers. Utilize these seven techniques to increase the…

May 13, 2014


Automatic Software Delivery now available on the Cisco Small Business RV215W VPN Router

You may not realize this, but Cisco has a thriving business building and selling networking products specifically designed for Small Businesses. Unfortunately, we know dealing with Cisco can sometimes be challenging for some smaller customers, a good example of this is managing software. Sometimes,…

April 15, 2014


7 Data Trends That Are Changing the Internet

Trying to stay entirely up-to-date on the ways the Internet and data in general are changing is like trying to spot the winner in a horse race where the horses are traveling faster than the speed of light. Everything looks impressive and things change so often and so quickly that it all just looks l…

April 2, 2014


5 Mistakes to Avoid When Implementing a BYOD Policy

With about 90 percent of Americans owning a cellphone and 58 percent of them having a smartphone, it’s no wonder that BYOD — Bring Your Own Device — is growing in popularity in the workplace. Not only do businesses benefit by saving money, but employees are able to use their devices to connect…

March 19, 2014


You’d be amazed at what you can get for $10K

As an SMB, you thought there are solutions/options completely out of your range – 10 Gigabit, Virtualization, Stacking, 16TB Storage, POE+, Layer 3, etc. If I told you you can get all of the following (an entire future-proofed feature-rich SMB network with Storage) for under $10K, what would you say…

March 13, 2014


Tech Trends That Will Change How People Conduct Business in 2014

As technology evolves, people who conduct business continue trying to keep up, implementing it in all facets of their industry to improve and increase efficiency. Whether these technologies have been around for some time and developed, or they were recently introduced and applied, there’s no d…

March 11, 2014


Introducing FindIT, Cisco Small Business Automated Software Delivery Service

Hello again, Marc Nagao and the Cisco Small Business Team. Over the weekend, my family and I were in Indian Wells to watch the world’s best tennis players play at the BNP Paribas Open. I have to say, watching them play live, at competition speed, is something to behold. It’s difficult to…

March 5, 2014


Cisco Small Business Extending Services and Support in Latin America

Happy Wednesday! Did you watch the Academy Awards this week? It sure would been great to get my mug in Ellen’s selfie shot. I could have been Bradley right? ..and a slice of pizza would have been great with Julia, Harrison, and “Marty”. Certainly this year’s Oscars was the be…

February 25, 2014


“Wow, I had no idea Cisco had these products”

As the product owner, one comment I get most of all is “Wow, I had no idea Cisco had these products“. This is the case even though we ship well over 20 million switch ports delivering hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue per year in this portfolio – to customers in all geographies,…