tech trends

March 13, 2014


Tech Trends That Will Change How People Conduct Business in 2014

As technology evolves, people who conduct business continue trying to keep up, implementing it in all facets of their industry to improve and increase efficiency. Whether these technologies have been around for some time and developed, or they were recently introduced and applied, there’s no d…

January 7, 2014


Last Year’s Tech Trends and What They Mean for 2014

2013 was an incredible year, filled with both good times and bad times.  It also proved to be a year for technology to become even more intertwined with our lives. As we move forward into the first month of the New Year, let us take a look at some of the top trends of 2013, and how they might fare t…

November 13, 2012


With Second Term Ahead – What Tech Initiatives Matter Most for Government Agencies in 2013

President Barack Obama has been reelected as the 44th president of the United States. And while he may still be holding on to his treasured Blackberry, most of us are more interested in what technology trends he and his administration will pursue to make public sector agencies smarter, faster and mo…