Why Cisco Has Joined Three More Blockchain Alliances
As we consider the complexity and vastness of the journey we’ve been on with blockchain, it’s become evident there’s still more work to be done at the ecosystem level. Cisco is a big believer in strategic partnerships in the blockchain space — that’s why we’re co-founding members of the Trusted IoT…
Cultivating Innovation within Your Organization
What exactly is innovation? How would you define it? While business leaders seem to agree that innovation is necessary to survive in today’s competitive marketplace, coming to a consensus on exactly what that means is easier said than done. For some business leaders, innovation means developing enti…
Intelligent Chatbots: Have a Conversation with Your Data
Growing up, one of the things that fascinated me about the old Star Trek shows was the crew’s ability to find out virtually anything from the ship’s computer, simply by asking: “Computer, what’s the political situation on Rigel V?” The computer would respond instantly with an appropriate summary and…
Overcoming the Dark Side of IoT
From Alexa’s random outbursts of laughter to claims that your smart refrigerator wants to kill you, it is easy to see why the Internet of Things (IoT) invokes negative connotations. Some may even say IoT has a dark side, fueled by security and privacy concerns along with uncertainty about what these…
Cisco CHILL Founder Honored as an “Upstart 50” Innovation Backer
When the San Francisco Business Times and the Silicon Valley Business Journal put together their 2018 “Upstart 50” list, they tapped a broad range of Bay Area “entrepreneurs and visionaries who fuel the region’s business innovation.” From disruptive venture capitalists to innovators in food, healthc…
Hit the Gas on Co-Innovation
In today’s rapidly changing digital economy, enterprises can no longer afford to be innovation tourists. Innovation fairs, mission statements, internal competitions—they’re all great but not enough anymore. Innovation can’t be a one-time event. Innovation must now be an enduring mindset that’s embed…
Take a Leap into the 21st Century of IoT
When Campofrio Food Group’s 17-year-old factory in Burgos, Spain, famously burned to the ground, the multinational meat processor turned tragedy into opportunity. With an eye on digital transformation, Campofrio rebuilt the facility as a connected factory, powered by the Internet of Things (IoT). Th…
Free Employees to Tap into Their Inner Entrepreneurs
Regardless of industry, every organization today needs to innovate in order to keep up with the pace of change in the digital economy. In many organizations, more than ever before, it has become the communication department’s mission to encourage, empower and activate employees to innovate. That’s b…
Generation IoT: Transforming Disruption Into Opportunity
During the last 25 years, organizations have had to reinvent themselves every three to seven years to keep up with the pace of change. Companies that missed one technology transition might scramble to catch up, but missing two meant a slow fade to obscurity, irrelevance, and death. Consider the rapi…