
November 4, 2019


Predictive Maintenance: Resetting the Readiness Curve

Being able to predict the future would be a great power to have. Especially when it came to personal finances. But it would also have tremendous value in keeping our nation secure. Especially in the area of weapon system maintenance. In this field, two long-standing questions always seem to pop up:…

October 31, 2019


Public Sector Problem Solvers: Americas Edition

In today’s stop in Cisco’s #FutureofPublicSector series, we explore the early innovators in our Americas region who are using technology to improve citizen services and enable communities to thrive.   For years, governments around the world have been grappling with ongoing challenges in the public s…

October 31, 2019


AI and the 4 Keys to its Success: Diving Deeper

Like the internet, artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more powerful as the number of people using the tools grows. The utility of AI in this context depends on the user themselves. How? By providing their “voice samples” through applications like Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google Assistant back to t…

October 28, 2019


Data Gravity: Driving Design for Intelligent Mission Fabric

What is Data Gravity? The term ‘Data Gravity’ was generated by Dave McCrory in 2010. In his blog post he asserted that, analogous to gravitational pull between objects in space, “. . . as data builds mass there is a greater likelihood that additional services and applications will be attracted to th…

October 24, 2019


The Future of Transportation

Today’s stop in Cisco’s #TheFutureofPublicSector series leads us to transportation. With anticipation building for autonomous vehicles, buzz around a hyperloop that can travel as fast as 800 miles an hour, and the growing presence of transportation devices that have an ability to communicate with ea…

October 24, 2019


AI Leadership: Securing your place in Artificial Intelligence

Federal agencies are seeking new approaches and technologies to unlock the power of data through artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML). Focusing on the fundamentals can help them empower the real change they seek. And do so during what could otherwise be an intimidating process. So wh…

October 21, 2019


Artificial Intelligence: Leveraging Data from Edge to Cloud

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will transform every industry, including government, by enhancing organizational effectiveness and speed of operation. But AI will also change the nature and pace of threats organizations will face. If we’re to achieve the full promise of AI and transform data into intel…

October 17, 2019


RFC 8573: Why Trust in Time Matters for Your Network

The world revolves around trust. From trusting your financial institution to keep your accounts secure, to trusting government keeps your private data out of the wrong hands, network security is critical. And for today’s networks, ensuring that time is a trusted resource within the network is…

October 16, 2019


The Future of Public Sector

As global citizens, we want the best future for our families, friends and generations to come. We question and dream about what the future may mean for our lives – and for the world we live in. For years, Cisco has been working with governments around the world to help create safer communities, prov…

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