
December 3, 2018


Automating Your Network Operations, Part 4 – Dude, Where’s My Data?

See the entire “Automating Your Network Operations” blog series. If you are relatively new to Ansible, you might have noticed that the playbook examples in my last blog did not have any variables defined in them. Common examples often either have static values or variables specified in t…

November 28, 2018


Making Enterprise Virtual Reality a Practical Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is starting to disrupt all manner of industries. From Construction to Healthcare, Financial Services to Formula One. It’s one of the cooler technology innovations to happen of late. The value of VR is clearly measurable, with early adopters gaining competitive advantage and crea…

November 27, 2018


“Smart Country” Innovation Creates Opportunities for People

I’m continually amazed at how technology transforms our lives. As the founder of Cisco DevNet, I want to ensure that technology benefits countries, cities, businesses, governments, and, most importantly, people and their communities. The network is the center of how people, services, and businesses…

November 26, 2018


Syntax Highlighting For Network Engineers on DevNet Code Exchange

Guest Author: Diogo Andre de Assumpcao is a network engineer working on network reliability and automation, and has a deep passion for writing code. If you walk into a room full of developers, there is one thing you’ll quickly notice on their screens — multicolored text. Coloring source…

November 25, 2018


Latin America Technologists

I’m writing this on a Sunday.  I do some of my best writing on Sundays, going back to before I knew how to write. On late Sunday mornings, after Church, I would sit at the school desk my Grandma had set up in a covered area of her patio, close to her kitchen.  She and I could carry on a conver…

November 16, 2018


DevNet Express for the Network Engineer

A new journey There is an old proverb that says “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. I am fortunate enough to have recently been on a family holiday to Scandinavia. In my case, the journey was more like 38,000 kilometers (24,000 miles), from the first step out of my front door…

November 14, 2018


How DevOps Changed My (Work) Life

I am so excited. Just today I’ve started working in a new role around infrastructure programmability and NetDevOps.  But how did this happen to a classic network engineer? And why is this relevant to you? Please come with me on this 20-year trip! Background info In my previous life I worked fo…

November 14, 2018


Cisco DevNet Wins “Best Overall Developer Portal” Award

Developer portals are a complicated endeavor. Not only do you have to reach out to super technical, detail-oriented audiences, but you also need to make the journey and experience meaningful. Plus, the business reasons for developer portals are many, and varied. All these factors add up to a possibl…

November 13, 2018


DevNet Is Working with Partners to Innovate and Differentiate

New Developer Offers for SD-WAN, AWS Hybrid Cloud, Meraki, and Collaboration When I first joined Cisco, I learned that we had a secret weapon…our amazing partner community. Our partners build, manage, and operate mission critical infrastructures for our customers around the world. One of the g…