Are You Ready to Learn About Intuitive Wi-Fi?!
Cisco Live Melbourne is right around the corner! Running from 5-8 March 2019 at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, it will be my first time representing Cisco at our annual showcase and education event since joining 6 months ago. I have worked with Cisco solutions for many years as a…
FOSDEM 2019: a new view from the NOC
The first weekend of February is for me by now traditionally the FOSDEM weekend. FOSDEM is arguably the biggest Open Source Developers conference in the world with 742 lectures regarding various topic spread over the ULB university campus. The entrance is free and all presentations are recorded and…
Introducing Cisco DevNet Exchange
This blog co-authored by Chloe Kauffman and Charles Eckel The core concept of Cisco DevNet has been to empower developers. From open, programmable platforms to learning labs, sandboxes, and documentation – DevNet helps developers acquire the skills and tools they need to innovate, customize, and del…
Enabling App Developers in a Multi-cloud World – Part 1
It’s 2019! (nearly wrote 18 there!) and the definition between operations engineer and developer has been blurred for longer than we can remember. The early 20xx’s DevOps mentality – beautifully characterized in books such as Gene Kim’s “The Phoenix Project” – have shifted the onus to en…
NetDevOps Invades DevNet Sandbox
When I joined DevNet in December of 2016 it was to dive deep and hard into all things network automation and programmability. Fairly quickly I was entranced with the idea of NetDevOps, and working out how to apply ideas like Infrastructure as Code, Configuration Management, CICD, Streaming Telemetry…
Customize Your Cisco Security Solutions via APIs
Cisco Umbrella APIs help you create awesome programs Dear reader. This is the first in a series of blogs where I will discuss Cisco Security solutions and their respective API’s. The goal of these blogs is to enable you to leverage the most out of the various Cisco Security solutions and customize t…
GEAN Stack – Building Your Javascript App with Google Sheets
I love the end of year holidays. It’s the longest holiday I take in the year and I come back with a bunch of (hopefully!) good ideas. Ideas for large and small innovation areas I want to make reality with my team who build out and operate the DevNet Sandbox platform and services. For DevNet, the pos…
Take the DevNet Sandbox “Tablet Teaser Challenge” at CLEUR
The year is still young, but the DevNet Sandbox team has been hard at work to bring you a host of new sandboxes before the first month is through, and if you’re heading to CLEUR a fun new challenge to attempt. New sandboxes give you free access, to the latest Cisco and Open Source Tech First u…
Cisco Live Europe – DevNet Zone – Where Is Silvia?
Everyone needs a best friend at work, and for me that special person is Denise. On normal office days, we sit across from each other, and brainstorm all day long. Some of your favorite DevNet community ideas were born right there, in our Cisco office, so make sure you thank Denise the next time yo…