Wi-Fi 6

December 11, 2019


Building The Internet for the Future Begins Now

“We do not remember days; we remember moments.” Those words from Cesare Pavese have been one of my personal favorites. Interestingly, we remember these significant, or “flashbulb” moments in our lives in vivid detail. We remember exactly where we were, whom we were with, what we felt, or even what w…

December 11, 2019


The Cisco Wireless and Mobility Year in Review for 2019

If you’re anything like me, whenever the end of the year rolls around you start looking back at the accomplishments you made in the previous 12 months, and it’s pretty incredible to think about all of the things that you did. What I mean is, as you’re going through your day-to-day activities, it nev…

December 5, 2019


How Wi-Fi 6 overcame one of the toughest wireless environments on the planet

Metal and heat. Since ancient times, these two foundational elements have continuously been used to create a variety of tools. In medieval times, metallurgy technology spawned swords and armor unlike any before it and, in the early 19th century, it vitalized the Industrial Revolution. Nowadays, high…

November 19, 2019


Stay Connected in Digital Spaces with OpenRoaming

Our mobile devices are like a second brain, remembering, reminding, and informing us throughout our daily tasks. It would be great for productivity if your “other mind” could stay continuously connected from the time you got up at home or hotel on Wi-Fi, travelled to work on cellular, and instantly…

October 31, 2019


Time to Get Ahead of the Wi-Fi 6 Upgrade Curve

Sometimes technical innovations strike like lightning. In a flash, shiny new tech arrives and is instantly put in the hands of millions of people. Other times innovations seem like the ocean tide. You can see the slow change coming as the waters incrementally rise, but you’re never quite sure at wha…

September 16, 2019


iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro: A Win for Users and Admins

Last week’s announcements of the all-new iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro remind us that the iPhone is a great business partner. The blend of  advanced capabilities in iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro, and features built through the strategic partnership between Apple and Cisco, make the new models excellent…

September 16, 2019


Wherever You Roam: Supporting Innovation Through Seamless Connectivity

Data, interconnectivity and immersive technologies are transforming the world and impacting every area of our lives. Developments like the tactile internet and other greater innovations will benefit both consumer and business. Hence, new networking capabilities will be required to make the most of t…

August 28, 2019


Cisco Partners: IoT and Wi-Fi

Cisco offers strong solutions to address Wi-Fi and IoT operational needs in highly regulated environments and in the commercial space. Regulated Environments Wi-Fi AC Wave 2 and IoT  for Manufacturing, Utilities, Transportation, Mining, O&G, etc. Building Wi-Fi for hazardous (Class 1, Division 2…

August 15, 2019


What’s New with the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series?

In November, you may recall that Cisco knocked the industry on its backside with the announcement of the next generation of wireless controllers, the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series. As the new addition to the Catalyst 9000 family, the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controllers—which includes the 98…