
July 20, 2015

DIGITAL AND SOCIAL goes Mobile – One Page at a Time

Did you know gets more than 355.5M visits a year?  One out of every 10 visits is from a mobile device and mobile usage is growing. Much of the Cisco website is mobile-friendly, with the new Home page, Product pages, revised Support Home Page, and over 7,800 Model pages. Now we ar…

September 2, 2014


Filtering Explicit Content

Many web sites provide a setting to reduce the amount of explicit, or objectionable, content returned by the site. The user configures these settings, but many users are unaware such a setting exists, or that it needs to be set for each web site. Additionally, the security administrator cannot audit…

A New Look for Corporate Social Responsibility at Cisco

For years I suppose I was just like you, pretty cynical about the whole concept of “Corporate” social responsibility. Can an organization be truly socially responsible given the bottom line is selling product? Five years ago I left an industry I loved, education technology, and entered into the amor…