Cisco Security Service

August 26, 2019


Take bigger risks with the right trusted advisors

When I look back at all the chances I have taken in my life – moving to New York City out of college having never visited prior, to leaving that career with no direction of what was next, to joining Cisco back in 2012 having no technology background whatsoever. I ask myself what gave me the strength…

June 1, 2016


Insiders: The often forgotten threat

Insider threats are of particular concern to organisations as the impact of a rogue insider can be catastrophic to the business. The 2016 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report showed that 15% of data breaches were a direct result of insider deliberate or malicious behaviour.  Given that it is no…

June 16, 2015


#CiscoChampion Radio S2|Ep 23. Cisco Hosted Identity Services

#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’ll be talking about Cisco Hosted Identity Services with Cisco Lead Architect Eric Eddy. Listen to the Podcast. Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE. See a list of all #CiscoChampion Radio podcasts H…

September 2, 2014


Filtering Explicit Content

Many web sites provide a setting to reduce the amount of explicit, or objectionable, content returned by the site. The user configures these settings, but many users are unaware such a setting exists, or that it needs to be set for each web site. Additionally, the security administrator cannot audit…