The Power of Perspective and Mindset
Among an array of superpowers such as flight, invisibility, and laser eyes, mind control is a superpower that some may desire. What if I told you that we already possess the power of mind control – but for our minds specifically? It does not require any special training or heroic backstory, but sim…
Collaborating at Cisco
Two years after hitting the big time, graduating from college, and landing my first job – at the first large corporate company I’ve ever worked for (Cisco!) – my view of this company has totally shifted. Especially when it comes to how we, the global teams that span from virtual corners of the world…
Someday is Today
Everyone looks for a place where they feel they belong – it’s basic, it’s necessary. But the path to finding this place is not always obvious. Sometimes it takes a dedicated plan, while other times a bit of fate will step in and make sure you’re in the right place at the right time. I ha…
How Rejection was my Redirection to the Tech Industry
Rejection after rejection. While looking for the right role and company to take my career to the next level, I applied and interviewed for hundreds of jobs. It seemed, on the best days, to be a one-way street for most companies. And, after succumbing to the fear of failure, I felt discouraged to pur…
Taking Bold Risks: Inspired by Cisco’s CFO Kelly Kramer
As an early-in-career woman working in a male-dominated industry, I certainly found myself wondering what it was like to be an executive at a Fortune 100 company. And, more specifically, I wondered what it was like to be a female C-suite leader in today’s world. The fact that Cisco has six (yes, SIX…
Learning to Navigate My Career
When it comes time to decide what you want your career to be, it can be overwhelming. Not to mention, many struggle with defining what they’d like from “the real world” while others seem to have everything already charted out from A-Z. I was one of the A-Z students. At least, I thought I was. When…
The Future of Public Sector
As global citizens, we want the best future for our families, friends and generations to come. We question and dream about what the future may mean for our lives – and for the world we live in. For years, Cisco has been working with governments around the world to help create safer communities, prov…
My Magical, Unicorn Life in Cisco’s Customer Experience Team
I believe in serendipity. It happens. My journey to Cisco is an interesting one. Prior to working here, I’d been a software consultant most of my career. I helped customers accelerate adoption and business value from their software implementations through developing & executing change managem…
Chasing a Dream: Security, Data Protection, Privacy, and the Law
As teenagers on the cusp of adulthood graduate and head into their college years, we tell them it’s okay to not fully know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. Some, of course, do and will go on to chase down those dreams. While others may struggle to find where the fit in the work fo…