#WeAreCisco Systems Engineer
Getting to Know the Real Cisco
I often get asked how I got to work at the largest networking company without having any background in networking. In fact, I never thought I would work for Cisco because I didn’t think that they specialized in areas that interested me – particularly Programming, Neuroscience, and Artificial Intelli…
This Cisconian is Making Math Fun!
On May 5, 2005 I joined the fast-growing Cisco family in Bangalore. 5/5/5 – a mathematically pleasing number, indeed. That’s right, I’m a “numbers person” and a passion of mine is teaching math as a way to give back to society, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves here. I am sure the second you saw…
Always Overbooked: The Cisco Book Club in Bangalore
This post had contributing elements for the Cisco Book Club in Bangalore. After completing a year at Cisco, I was asked at my Early in Grade (EIG) farewell party, “What would you do if you were the CEO of Cisco?” Without a second thought I replied, “Build a library on campus!” Right from the day I h…
A Python Therapist is Born
Yogi Berra once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Now, for those who don’t know Yogi Berra – he was a Hall of Fame catcher for the New York Yankees who won 10 World Series rings, the most of any player in history. Yogi’s advice, while often peculiar, seemed sound on this front.…
Life as Cisco’s Chief Stroopwafel Officer
Sometimes the biggest impact comes from the simplest, sweetest offer. How does one become Chief Stroopwafel Officer at Cisco? For me, it was a position I already owned. My mentors have always taught me that my personal brand is important, so that when people see me and meet me – they will have some…
I Grew Up Wanting to Work for Cisco – Now, I Do!
Growing up in the Dominican Republic, Cisco was the only company I saw for home internet routers, switches, and phones. As I made my way through life their familiar logo was always there, and it began to really catch my attention as I noticed it was attached to networking trainings and career paths…
5 Lessons from the 12 Habits of Heroes
12 months. 12 habits. It takes about 30 days to change a bad habit or start a good habit. That’s why I’m so glad that my team and I (that’s a total of 41 engineers) invested in the year-long process through Habits of Heroes that not only enhanced our ability to be able to better coach and mentor our…
Stretching Our Way to Health
At Cisco, we’re no strangers to stretching our minds into creative brainstorming sessions that last for hours, and collaborating together to solve solutions. But, I found myself wondering if our bodies are as flexible as our minds? Many people think that to be fit you need to become an Olympic athle…
Being a Woman in Tech and Cisco SE.
Recently I attended a training for my career development. I’m a VCSE specialist in MANO for Service Provider at Cisco, and this was an opportunity to get some pre-sales training with a Service Provider focus. I got there early, and had a few moments to get settled and look around. 90% of my fellow t…