
May 25, 2017


Making Education the Foundation for our Innovation Economy

Over the past few weeks I have had the good fortune to spend a lot of time with teachers and administrators of schools and school boards around the province (including my recent keynote to OPSOA). I’ve been passionate about the critical role educators play in helping us shape our innovation ec…

5 Reasons to Study Networking Technology Now

This post was written by Gary Coman, who oversees engineering and development for Cisco Networking Academy. It originally appeared on the Huffington Post.  Everywhere in the world, technology is changing the way we live and work. As director of engineering with the Cisco Networking Academy program,…

How Learning Science Fuels Educational Innovation for the Digital Economy

This post was written by guest blogger Dennis C. Frezzo, PhD, Learning Scientist and Consulting Engineer, Cisco As we embark on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is clear that technology will play a central role in nearly all aspects of our lives. Research by the World Economic Forum estimates th…

April 25, 2017


Virtual Coffee through Cisco Tech

I love coffee. I think it not only helps me to open my eyes in the morning, but it also helps connect people in extraordinary ways. Perhaps my love of coffee comes from my roots as I lived near Italy, or maybe it is because my grandmother used to prepare coffee for me since I was little – whatever t…

April 5, 2017


Assessment for Learning

Imagine a world where students aren’t assessed simply on the regurgitation of facts, but more on true understanding of material. This is possible through the strategy of group-based learning. With a powerful network and the ability to connect with remote experts and peers, you can open up new…

March 16, 2017


Cisco Chat: Have APIs killed the CLI?

Have you heard of Cisco DEVNET?  We are the single resource for everything ‘developer’ at Cisco, and we are here to help you learn, code, inspire and connect. One of our favorite partnerships is with the Systems Engineering organization, #CiscoSE.  Together, we are hosting a #CiscoChat t…

March 6, 2017


Be Bold For Change

Be bold for change. These words are the call to action for this year’s International Women’s Day (Wednesday, ‪March 8). They call attention to women’s issues around the world – top of mind for so many of us. They also focus on our ability to address these issues and recreate the world according to a…

It’s Time for Women to Shine Like Diamonds in the Digital Economy

This blog was guest-written by Juliette Gimenez, Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer of Goxip. She’ll be guest-speaking during the “She Started IT” session of the Women Rock-IT series on Wednesday, February 15, 2017. According to Moore’s Law, the number of transistors in dense integrated circui…

February 1, 2017


Turn the Lights On in the Data Center

Applications are one of the most important things in the data center. But they are misunderstood. If it weren’t for applications, we wouldn’t build the data center.  It’s the application that makes infrastructure and user data relevant to the business. It’s what drives business value. The realizatio…