Incident response: Putting all the R’s in IR
It is well established that the ‘R’ in IR stands for “Response.” But given the challenges facing incident response teams today, IR could just as well stand for “It’s Rough.” The landscape is challenging, tools are multiplying, and the talent shortage seems insurmountable. First of all, according to…
AI in Cisco IT Operations: Finding Golden Needles in Ever Larger Haystacks
Customers often ask us whether artificial intelligence (AI) will be the kind of game changer that analysts are predicting. From what I’m seeing, the answer is an unconditional yes. The trick is figuring out the right use cases. While any computer can calculate pi to a million places faster th…
SMB and the return of the worm
Watch the threat landscape long enough, and you’ll see that some things are cyclical. Threat types and attack methods fall in and out of fashion. As the use of one vector declines, another increases in popularity. Take network shares for instance—the technology that allows users to share files and f…
Agentless threat detection for Microsoft Azure workloads with Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud
Detecting threats, such as malware, rogue insiders, and credential abuse, within public cloud environments can be a major challenge. Traditionally, organizations have tried to solve this problem by overlaying a patchwork of agents across the cloud surface to detect bad activity. This approach requir…
Deploying Stealthwatch Cloud in a Google GKE Kubernetes Cluster
Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud has the unique ability to provide an unprecedented level of visibility and security analytic capabilities within a Kubernetes cluster. It really doesn’t matter where the cluster resides, whether on-premise or in any public cloud environment. Stealthwatch Cloud deploys as a d…
Why download the exploit, when you can carry it with you?
For the 2nd year, RSA Conference 2018 APJ created an educational exhibit, sponsored by RSA and Cisco, to monitor the RSA Conference public Wi-Fi network provided by the Marina Bay Sands (MBS). This exhibit was created in the form of the RSA Conference Security Operations Center (SOC). RSA and Cisco…
Encrypted Botnets and cryptomining spotted at Cisco Live
More than 25,000 attendees visited Cisco Live in Orlando this year. While this large concentration of network and security professionals was learning about our latest innovations, Cisco Security was busy catching bad guys! Of course we protect our own show, but this year was special… More than 170 c…
Easily detect threats and risks for Google Cloud Platform
According the Cisco 2018 Annual Cybersecurity Report, 40 percent of the dynamic networks, endpoints, and cloud infrastructure in enterprises is leading to significant blind spots and lack of real-time awareness for security teams. In addition, 53 percent of organizations host at least half of their…
Scaling Visibility and Security within the Operational Technology (OT) Environment
Mid- to large-sized enterprises have for many years built the operational technology (OT) environment like an egg – a hard exterior protected by traditional security elements such as firewalls, IDS/IPS, and malware detection (if you are lucky), but a soft interior leaving critical operational assets…