March 21, 2013


Infrastructure for Megatrends

In my job as Cisco’s Field & Sales CTO for Borderless Networks in the Cisco EMEAR Theatre, I have the privilege of working directly with many Cisco customers and partners. The majority of these folks are what you’d call “Technical Decision Makers” and CTOs. They’re the IT leaders who do the pla…

Move Over SDN – NFV Taking the Spotlight

Energetic debates of what SDN is and the expanding scope of what it can do for our customers continue to race along in a chaotic frenzy. In addition, the overall SDN market is somewhat fragmented in terms of both vendor positioning and marketing.  Collectively, the conversation really comes down to…

March 10, 2013


Networking Field Day 5: SDN and Unicorn Blood

So, we wrapped up our day with the Networking Field Day crew last week with a free form discussion on where we go next with SDN.  To be honest, the session did not go quite as I envisioned, but, in retrospect, I would not changed anything.  As Ethan Banks (of PacketPushers fame) noted in Twitter, th…

March 7, 2013


Defense in Depth with Software Defined Networking

Last week at the RSA Conference in San Francisco, I had the pleasure of speaking to thousands of security professionals about the opportunities and risks associated with using Software Defined Networking (SDN) for security, which will be the underlying fabric of our next generation data centers and…

February 27, 2013


#EngineersUnplugged: S2|Ep2| #SDN Doughnut Style

In this week’s episode of Engineers Unplugged, Brian Gracely (@bgracely) of Virtustream takes on the challenge of explaining the industry’s top buzzword, Software Defined Networking, using doughnuts. Seeing is believing: Welcome to Engineers Unplugged, where technologists talk to each…

February 22, 2013


Quick Guide to #CiscoDC Activity at #VMwarePEX

For everyone in the VMware Partner Community, next week marks the gathering of technologists to learn, train, and generally get together. Cisco has some great opportunities to do all of the above. The easiest way to stay up to date? Follow us @CiscoDC. If you’re not on Twitter, find me, give m…

February 14, 2013


Is Software Defined Networking (SDN) a journey to somewhere?

Not One-size-fits-all In the world of fashion, one-size-fits all has very limited appeal. People come in all shapes and sizes, with tastes, preferences, and needs that are equally diverse. So too are the diverse approaches and use cases that are driving interest in Software Defined Networking (SDN),…

February 7, 2013


Cisco ONE Webcast Series: An Introduction to OpenFlow

Topics such as Software Defined Networking and programmable networks are of great interest to many network operators these days. With that in mind we’re pleased to kick off a new series of Webcasts to help our customer learn more about Cisco’s Open Network Environment strategy. Please join us on Feb…

February 7, 2013


Cisco Talks Next Generation Optical Transport at OFC 2013

Join Cisco executives and technology experts at one of the premier optical networking conferences from March 17-21 in Anaheim, California.  We welcome you all to be part of the dialog around Next Generation Transport technology! Optical networks are the foundation of communications today – and trend…