April 8, 2013


OpenDaylight: The Start of Something Big for SDN

So, after weeks of biting my tongue through what seemed like a constant drip of leaks and rumors, we can finally take the covers off OpenDaylight.  So, lets cover some of the basics: What? OpenDaylight is an open source project formed under the Linux Foundation with the mutual goal of furthering the…

Infrastructure Software: SDN makes network management a first class citizen

Back in May 2012 Mike Fratto predicted in his blog that SDN will be “Reborn in Network Management”. There is a lot of truth to his statement. The words “software defined” in “Software Defined Networking (SDN)” inspired people to rethink the overall control plane architecture of the network making th…

April 3, 2013


Three Truths about Networking – the Next Chapter

It’s great to see, hear and read various points of view on the evolution of networking.  It’s a hot topic right now, highlighting the fact that the network is at the center of the market transitions driven by Mobile, Cloud, new breeds of Apps and the Internet of Things.  Technical leaders from my te…

SDM: Software Defined Manageability

Much has been made of the emergence of Software Defined Networking and the programmable network.  At its core, SDN involves opening up network interfaces in order to make the network programmable and allow for the development of applications.  While some of those applications interact directly with…

Impact of Cisco Open Network Environment on SDN

For those of you familiar with the movie “This is Spinal Tap” the volume on SDN has been turned up to 11 for some time. However, too much of the sound is around the technology and not on the benefits to network operators. In fact, Cisco views SDN technology and our Open Network Environment (ONE) as…

March 31, 2013


[Webcast]: An introduction to Cisco onePK with Ayman Sayed, SVP, NOSTG

For those who are on the learning curve on various aspects of network programmability, open networking and SDN (like we are), I’d like to invite you to the third in a series of educational webicasts on these topics. Brought under the umbrella of the Cisco Open Network Environment, this particular we…

DT’s Ian Farrer on the All IPv6 TeraStream Network

A few months back we announced how Hrvatski Telekom, Croatia’s largest telecommunications company, is using a Cisco’s end-to-end solution for its advanced TeraStream cloud-enabled Internet Protocol (IP) architecture. Operated by Deutsche Telekom subsidiary Hrvatski Telekom (T-HT), it’s initially pro…

Segment Routing: Impact on Software Defined Networks

Segment routing (SR) is a concept that’s been working its way through the IETF standards process but is finally becoming ready for real world deployment. It’s a network technology that provides enhanced packet forwarding behavior while minimizing the need for maintaining awareness of mass volumes of…

Cisco CTO of Engineering David Ward from MPLS & Ethernet World Congress 2013

SDN has become a popular topic – so much so that this year’s MPLS/Carrier Ethernet/IPv6 World Congress in Paris added an SDN Summit component. It’s an area of high interest for Cisco as we develop our Open Network Environment, a portfolio of Cisco technologies and open standards which brings program…