Network World

January 3, 2018


New-Gen Technologies Make IoT Transformational

Over the last few years, many people—myself included—have been touting the Internet of Things (IoT) as a driving force behind digital transformation. But is IoT by itself truly that transformational? Well, I would argue that it is not. IoT focuses mainly on securely connecting devices that generate…

April 8, 2014


Drivers for Managed Security and what to look for in a Cloud Provider [Summary]

The first blog of this series discussing the role of data security in the cloud can be found here. In 2014 and onward, security professionals can expect to see entire corporate perimeters extended to the cloud, making it essential to choose a service provider that can deliver the security that your…

April 8, 2014


Drivers for Managed Security and what to look for in a Cloud Provider

The first blog of this series discussing the role of data security in the cloud can be found here. In 2014 and onward, security professionals can expect to see entire corporate perimeters extended to the cloud, making it essential to choose a service provider that can deliver the security that your…

July 30, 2013


How Secure is Your Secure Access?

In June, I attended the Gartner Security Summit in Washington, D.C. where I was asked by quite a few security executives, “My network folks just bought ISE, but what is ISE and what type of security does it provide?”  Fast forward to July, and I wish I had this SANS review on ISE to offer a month ea…

February 25, 2013


Judge for yourself: Taking Dell to task on “holistic” security claims

In case you missed it, Network World’s Ellen Messmer published a rather surprising article on how Dell was going to “trump” Cisco in the information security market as a result of some recent acquisitions. Now certainly Dell is entitled to their beliefs. They’re in a difficult position right now, as…