Network programmability
Digital Network Transformation Kicks into High Gear
You know that feeling when you are right at the beginning of something big? A long-distance run perhaps, an extended vacation, or your first zip-line trip. You get this tingling feeling of anticipation. That was my feeling at Cisco Live when we unveiled the breadth of partner applications that have…
Introducing NetDevOps Live!
Do you find yourself thinking “Gee… I wish there was a weekly webinar and video series dedicated to NetDevOps and network programmability topics.”? Or maybe “I could really use some dedicated expert lead lab time about every other week.”? I knew it wasn’t just me,…
New XR Programmability Learning Labs and Sandbox Let You Explore
Get your free DevNet account for access to our developer resources, learning labs, and sandbox. Turning team focus to network automation and programmability I came from a network service provider background. Then, when I starting working at Cisco, I was working on the Cisco Security network team. Th…
New Learning Labs for DNA Center API
You have probably noticed the new DNA Center sandbox that we have been updating over the past few months. If so, your next question is probably, “how can I take advantage of the APIs exposed?” Well, we have an answer for that. We have released a couple of new REST API labs for DNA Cente…
New Book on IOS XE Programmability Assumes No Software Development Experience
Network engineers are tasked with deploying, operating, and monitoring the network as efficiently, securely, and reliably as possible. As the complexity, scale, and security demands of the network increase, there is greater pressure on network engineers to reduce time to implement and minimize the r…
Learn How To Leverage Meraki APIs in the DevNet Zone at Cisco Live
Cisco Meraki is cloud-managed IT. With over 230,000+ customers and 3 million+ network devices around the world, you can create apps that enable loyalty programs, track the location of WiFi and BLE devices, build analytics extensions, and make it easier to deploy at scale. You asked for insight into…
Want to Get Started with Network Programmability? Meet me at Cisco Live!
Are you interested in network programmability, but not sure where to get started? Are you going to Cisco Live? If you answered yes to either question read on, this is for you! With Cisco Live rapidly approaching the most common question I’m asked is “are you going to Cisco Live?” To which I’m…
How Do I Get Started Learning Network Programmability?
One of the most often asked questions I get at events or online is “How do I get started with network programmability?” Another common question is “Should I get my CCNA, CCNP, or CCIE?” These are important questions for network engineers with limited time and resources to invest in training, and lo…
The Programmable Network and the Rise of the Network API
There is a really important trend in front of us in the industry. I call it “the rise of the network API.” We’ve entered a whole new world where the network is programmable. And what’s really exciting…the programmable network has APIs. As a result, the power and capabilities of networks and network…