Cisco Fellow Mark Townsley: A Better Way to Deploy IPv6
We first talked about the Mapping of Address and Port (MAP) method to handle IPv4 exhaust and the transition to IPv6 last week. MAP is based on two IETF drafts currently in the process of standardization in draft-ietf-softwire-map (MAP-E) and draft-ietf-softwire-map-t (MAP-T). The real advantage wit…
IPv6 Just Works: Cisco Live London Dual-Stack Network
Another year, another CiscoLive. This was the last year in the London venue, and since it was the third time we did it, we had a chance to incorporate learning from the previous two years. As a result, I would say the network was quite a success. The key element of the design, led by Mark McKillop,…
#EngineersUnplugged S2|Ep9: IPv6 or 1970s Math
The Internet of Everything fuels our daily lives, but leads to some new challenges in the networking space. Join us for this week’s episode of Engineers Unplugged as Damian Karlson (@sixfootdad) and Tom Hollingsworth (@networkingnerd) discuss the pros and cons of IPv6, firewalls, and the failu…
World IPv6 Congress – “The Buzz“
By Steve Simlo, IPv6 Product Manager, Cisco Network Operating Systems Technology Group The World IPv6 MPLS / Ethernet / SDN World Congress events wrapped up recently with over 500 industry specialists in attendance, including myself. For 3 days the buzz was on how IPv6 has advanced since last year’…
A MAP to Easier, More Scalable IPv6 Deployments
There are a number of ways to deal with IPv4 exhaust and IPv6 transition, including Carrier Grade NAT and stateful Dual Stack Lite. Cisco has added another method called Mapping of Address and Port (MAP) based on two IETF drafts currently in the process of standardization in draft-ietf-softwire-map…
Cisco Live 2013 Orlando: Security Training and Breakout Sessions
Cisco Live Orlando, June 23-27, 2013, is quickly approaching and registration is open. The Security track this year includes 72 breakout sessions, 74 hours of labs and seminars, and 3 Product Solution Overview sessions, accounting for about 15 percent of all the content delivered at Cisco Live. New…
T-Mobile Helps Drive New Standard to Simplify IPv6 Deployment
T-Mobile USA has been one of the first carriers to widely deploy IPv6, seeking to overcome the lack of IPv4 addresses and to lay the foundation for their network for the Internet of Everything. However, one of the headaches they’ve faced is that some applications which work fine over IPv4 don’t play…
Cisco Live 2013 – a Showcase for IPv6 Technology
By Steve Simlo, IPv6 Product Manager, Cisco Network Operating Systems Technology Group We’ve been actively promoting the adoption of IPv6 at various venues – back in January at Cisco Live London, and a few weeks ago at the V6 World Congress, which focused on the adoption of IPv6 in mobile net…
DT’s Ian Farrer on the All IPv6 TeraStream Network
A few months back we announced how Hrvatski Telekom, Croatia’s largest telecommunications company, is using a Cisco’s end-to-end solution for its advanced TeraStream cloud-enabled Internet Protocol (IP) architecture. Operated by Deutsche Telekom subsidiary Hrvatski Telekom (T-HT), it’s initially pro…