August 13, 2015


Developing a new angle on an established relationship

Over the past few years, Cisco and Intel’s collaboration has extended into the realm of Internet of Things, allowing the strength of each organization to bring the industry as a whole, forward. In the Internet of Things, devices need applications, analytics, network connectivity, security, storage,…

August 10, 2015


Guest blog: DBaaS, Coming to an Intercloud Near You

Today’s guest blog comes to us courtesy of Tesora CEO, Ken Rugg. The Cisco Intercloud is a pretty amazing demonstration of the power of OpenStack. It will have incredible worldwide reach with 350 data centers across 50 countries. Unlike Microsoft, Amazon, and Google, however, Cisco isn’t buil…

August 10, 2015


Fog Computing: Bringing Cloud Capabilities Down to Earth

When we think of “cloud” we think of a vast collection of compute, network, and storage capabilities that resides somewhere high above us—a massive repository of functionality that can be accessed from anywhere and any device with enough bandwidth to handle the data flow. With practically unlimited…

August 6, 2015


IT Paradox: Managing More Complex Networks with Limited Resources

I speak with Cisco customers regularly. The topic of the Internet of Everything (IoE) comes up often.  Put simply, their concerns can be summed up in a single question: How can I prepare for the network of tomorrow when it’s difficult to keep pace with managing the fast-moving complexity of my netwo…

IoE Innovation Hinges on Hyper Collaboration

Once upon a time, the world’s greatest inventions always seemed to come from individual geniuses locked in a room day and night on their own.  We often think of Alexander Graham Bell inventing the telephone by himself, Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb solo or Johannes Gutenberg working mostly…

August 3, 2015


Benchmarking Internet of Things (IoT)

Traditional to Big Data to IoT: Transaction Processing Performance Council Establishes Internet of Things Working Group (TPC-IoT) Over the past quarter century, the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) has developed several industry standard benchmarks for database performance, pretty m…

Internet of Everything’s Sea-Worthy Innovations Show Potential for All

Though the high seas action of a competitive regatta and the halls of your office may not seem similar, those two worlds suddenly become alike when leaders in both environments use real-time data to steer critical decisions when seconds count for optimum outcomes. As businesses race to innovate thei…

IoT Meets Standards, Driving Interoperability and Adoption

For years, industrial control systems have been characterized by proprietary devices, protocols, communications, and applications. However, at the Hannover Fair last spring, virtually every exhibitor showed products that support IP, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi interfaces—something that would have been unthin…

The Ubiquitous Nature of the Internet of Everything (IoE) drives new Network Requirements

Co-written with Taru Khurana, Senior Analyst, SP Thought Leadership The ubiquitous nature of Internet of Everything (IoE) is driving a digital transformation in many industries and businesses. This digital disruption has already begun and it’s driving advanced cloud access and network performance r…