
The #InternetOfEverything Machine and What it Means to the World

Typically art and technology make strange bedfellows. But the Internet of Everything Machine at Cisco Live San Francisco in June was undeniably one of the coolest interactive installations I’ve seen at a conference. The exhibit simulated an attendee’s journey through a city connected by real-time da…

IoE Can Be Key to More Energy Efficient Colleges

The Internet of Everything (IoE) is becoming more real than ever, particularly in education. As we begin to see this massive transformation taking place, schools for both K-12 and higher education are utilizing Cisco networks to run applications and pilot projects that benefit both the students and…

#InnovateThink Tweet Chat on Friday, July 18 at 10 a.m. PST: Fast IT: An IT Model for the #InternetOfEverything

As the Internet of Everything (IoE) continues to drive one of the most sweeping market transitions in history, organizations will need to be hyper-aware, predictive, and agile. And IT will demand an infrastructure that is flexible enough to keep pace with rapid change and fast innovation, as it resp…

The Future of Cities is Here, and it’s Digital

What does your #CityofTomorrow look like?  Over the past decades, broadband Internet access has been an important enabler of economic growth, social inclusion and improved government services. Now, the latest phase of the Internet—the Internet of Everything (IoE)—is transforming our lives in whole…

June 18, 2014


Fast IT Workshop #4 – Innovative Infrastructure Management: Challenges and Opportunities

As business leaders navigate an increasingly complex world of connections, they need IT to provide a programmable infrastructure that can dynamically respond to their needs. This four-part blog series explores how responsive infrastructure helps IT leaders succeed. The first post in this series, by…

Summary – #SmartConnectedCity Series: Tackling City Challenges and Creating Opportunity with IoE and Smart+Connect …

What if… …You have access to unlimited computing power at a reasonable price… …Everything is connected to everything else… Then… Would you run cities the same way? Would you live your life the same way? I think you’ll agree that the answer is no. The Internet has already radically changed the way m…

June 17, 2014


The Pace of Change Demands Mobile Cloud

With organizations all over the world striving to make lasting connections with both their workforce and customers, mobile communications have fundamentally changed the way business works. And when you factor in the added influence of cloud computing, an exciting collision of technology – know…

What the Exponential Power of the #InternetOfEverything Means for Smart Connected Cities

Barcelona, Amsterdam, Nice, London and New York are arguably some of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities. However, they have more than glamorous fashions, exquisite cuisine and vibrant nightlife in common. All are connecting things, such as cars and trash cans, to the Internet, making their cities…

June 13, 2014


Mobile Cloud Accelerates the Pace of Change

As organizations seek ways to maintain real-time connections with their workforce and customers in an increasingly digital and mobile-centered world, the growth of mobile cloud will be a major force in shaping the business landscape and future tech decisions. This blog series will explore how the co…