Internet of Things
A Day in the Life of the ecobee Smart Thermostat Part 1
In my last article I talked about my thermostat and the Internet of Everything [read here] I questioned the true value my smart meter was providing to my home and my wallet. I said what’s missing is a thermostat that helps me understand my energy consumption habits, allows me to stay within bu…
Ask The #InternetOfEverything Futurist: “How Will the Future of Technology Integrate into our Five Senses?”
In my role as Cisco’s Chief Futurist, I get many questions about what the future holds and how new technology and emerging solutions will change our lives. Be sure to check out previous Ask the #InternetOfEverything Futurist blogs and videos about the advances of battery technology, the future of sm…
Calling All Internet of Things Entrepreneurs!
With less than 1% of things in the physical world connected to the Internet, there is an incredible opportunity to connect the unconnected. In keeping Cisco’s commitment to drive Internet of Things innovations, Cisco announces a new initiative to recognize and support up-and-coming innovators, entre…
#CiscoChampion Radio S1|Ep7 IoT
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists, hosted by Cisco’s Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week we’re talking about the Internet of Things (IoT) with guest moderator, Cisco’s Lauren Friedman (@lauren) Listen to the Podcast…
Ask The #InternetOfEverything Futurist: “In the Future, Will Clothes be Delivered to your Dressing Room in Your Size? …
In my role as Cisco’s Chief Futurist, I get many questions about what the future holds and how new technology and emerging solutions will change our lives. Given the positive feedback and the volume of questions being submitted from the community around the first series, I’ve decided to do another s…
The Internet of Things and the Future of Business
As SAP says, the trends reshaping your world will ultimately transform the way you do business. Today, Cisco and SAP join together to deliver their visions for the Internet of Things (IoT) at SAP’s signature conference in New York: Conversations on the Future of Business. Bryce Barnes, Solu…
A Symphony of Sensors Drives Value, Insight, and Opportunity
To cross a busy intersection safely, it’s best to have all of your senses alert. That way, if you don’t happen to see that oncoming truck ignoring the “Walk” sign, you will probably still hear it. In the case of a heavy cement mixer, you may even feel the low rumble of its powerful engine first. In…
Internet of Things: More than a Trend, a Real Business Opportunity
We live in the age of the mega trends. You name it, from high in the Cloud, to everywhere Mobility, Big Data, Social, Analytics and more. The Internet of Things (IoT) became part of that select group of mega trends not that long ago, and its relevance, support and understanding have been growing ste…
Open innovation: Harnessing the ideas, talent and passion of the startup eco-system
What does an already innovative company like Cisco do more to innovate? What do we need to do differently to influence or shape the next breakthrough that will fundamentally change our industry and Cisco? As we embark on a journey to transform Cisco into a #1 IT solution provider, we know we must…