Internet of Things
The Pace of Change Demands Mobile Cloud
With organizations all over the world striving to make lasting connections with both their workforce and customers, mobile communications have fundamentally changed the way business works. And when you factor in the added influence of cloud computing, an exciting collision of technology – know…
#SmartConnectedCity Series: City Infrastructure Management, City Wi-Fi and a Global Urban Services Revolution
Cities have traditionally operated their various agencies—utilities, healthcare, education, public safety, air quality, water and waste management—in silos, creating duplication in investment and limiting effectiveness. In the face of population shifts and rapid urbanization, cities and local govern…
Summary: Extended By Popular Demand: The Cisco IoT Security Grand Challenge
Since its announcement at the RSA 2014 conference, the security community has been actively involved in the Cisco IoT Security Grand Challenge. The response has been so great that we’ve decided to extend the deadline by two more weeks – so you now have until July 1st, 2014 to make your submiss…
What the Exponential Power of the #InternetOfEverything Means for Smart Connected Cities
Barcelona, Amsterdam, Nice, London and New York are arguably some of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities. However, they have more than glamorous fashions, exquisite cuisine and vibrant nightlife in common. All are connecting things, such as cars and trash cans, to the Internet, making their cities…
Extended By Popular Demand: The Cisco IoT Security Grand Challenge
Since its announcement at the RSA 2014 conference, the security community has been actively involved in the Cisco IoT Security Grand Challenge, an industry-wide initiative to bring the best and brightest security minds to the table to help us find innovative IoT security solutions. Thus far, we’ve h…
Mobile Cloud Accelerates the Pace of Change
As organizations seek ways to maintain real-time connections with their workforce and customers in an increasingly digital and mobile-centered world, the growth of mobile cloud will be a major force in shaping the business landscape and future tech decisions. This blog series will explore how the co…
#SmartConnectedCity Series: Tackling City Challenges and Creating Opportunity with IoE and Smart+Connected Communities
What If… …You have access to unlimited computing power at a reasonable price… …You have access to unlimited storage and bandwidth at a reasonable price… …Everything is connected to everything else… Then… Would you still provide healthcare and education in the same ways? Would you run cities the same…
How forward thinking cites are using the Internet of Everything to fix their economies
Chicago was recently announced as the host city for the Internet of Things World Forum this autumn, following Barcelona’s excellent performance as host last autumn. This forum is important because it’s already way more than just another collection of business types in a hotel. It’s increasingly rele…
An Update on Recent Industry Events and IoT in Manufacturing
It has been a crazy past three weeks with IoT and IoE for myself and also Cisco. We recently hosted Cisco Live where we had over 25,000 attendees onsite and over 200,000 more attend virtually. By the end of that week, I felt I had met each and every one and had at least a 15 minute conversation wi…