Industrial Security
“Security Seven”: Ways to Defend Your Factory – Part 2
In the first blog of this series, we talked about some of the unique security challenges that manufacturers face. The more connected your environment becomes, the more difficult it is to integrate your enterprise IT with your industrial technologies. Here are the rest of the Security 7: Play zone…
A Recap of Digital Manufacturing at Cisco Live
Cisco Live has come and gone and now is a time to reflect on the incredibly crazy few days and see what was discussed. Business outcomes were top of mind for our customers and analysts, and we had no shortage of them. We kicked off the week talking to our analysts at CSCAPE and the big theme was cus…
Boost Your Digital Manufacturing Transformation
Recently after traveling to Dubai for the IoT World Forum, it struck me that many manufacturers are still looking for that prescriptive roadmap to understand how they can transform their operations digitally. Everyone understands that digital disruption is a reality, no matter what type of products…
Digital Manufacturing: Transforming Your Business Model
Today’s announcement of Cisco’s Digital Solutions for Industries at the Global Editor’s Conference highlights our unique approach to help customers capture the promise of digitization. As Tony Shakib’s blog notes, “Digital transformation necessitates a combining of business and IT strategy tha…
Security for the Digital Manufacturer: Recap of recent #CiscoChat
Earlier this week, I hosted a #CiscoChat along with other team members of the @CiscoMFG team including Nancy Cam-Winget (@ncamwingw), an industrial security expert and Distinguished Engineer at Cisco, along with cohost Gregory Wilcox (@gswilcox_ohio) of our strategic alliance partner Rockwell Automa…
Cisco to Provide Secure Ops Solution to Royal Dutch Shell
This week sees the IoT ( Internet of Things) World Forum (IoTWF) Research & Innovation Symposium that is showing IoT related subjects such as the current research, use cases, and customer experiences as part of the Internet of Everything. This time the symposium will focus on transporta…