
January 26, 2017


Automating Your Data Center With HyperFlex and UCS Director

Cisco has made deployment, provisioning and expansion of data center workloads running on Cisco HyperFlex™ and Cisco UCS™ up to 90% faster and much easier by delivering private Infrastructure as-a-Service (IaaS) with UCS Director.…

January 18, 2017


Democratizing Data Center Storage ¡Viva la Storage Revolución!

History regularly repeats itself. Sometimes it’s exciting and other times not so much. A current market transition I’m excited about happens to be occurring across the entire data center touching compute, storage, and networking. It’s the shift to shared nothing architectures and it takes me b…

January 18, 2017


Deep Dive Into HyperFlex With Technical Demos

Hi again! We are continuing to see incredible customer adoption and interest in technical aspects of HyperFlex. I often get asked on usability of the platform, especially around deployment automation and impact on daily operations. So in this blog I will point you to some cool demos that dig into va…

January 5, 2017


Three key factors for making your VDI project a success in 2017

The end of the year is usually a time when we reflect on what we’ve accomplished in the past 12 months and set goals for the upcoming year. One resolution that should be easier to cross off your list in 2017 is to bring new life to your VDI projects. VDI, or more broadly desktop and application virt…

November 15, 2016


How To Avoid New Hyperconvergence Silos?

Hi again! Many of you are looking to refresh your current hardware, deploying your first or second cluster of hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI). You are likely starting with a VDI project, virtualized infrastructure in a branch office or perhaps a cluster of applications for a specific department…

October 5, 2016


Cisco HyperFlex 1.8 Release – The 5 Things You Need to Know

Hi there! It’s been exciting times since we launched, as customers have been showing exceptional love towards HyperFlex, amassing more than 600 customers, thousand of nodes and many petabytes of hyperconverged storage around the globe. While some of you may have been busy following the U.S. Presiden…

August 25, 2016


Vegas Street Performers, HyperFlex, and VMworld

    VMworld 2016 US is finally here! In a town known for hype, HyperFlex is proving to be the real deal. The Cisco team is excited to bring HyperFlex to its very first VMworld in Las Vegas. When I think about Las Vegas, the many street performances come to mind, and I feel like I’ve alread…

July 7, 2016


Elvis, HyperFlex, and Cisco Live 2016

Cisco Live 2016 is finally here! Planning for Cisco Live this year reminds me of the many similarities between “The King” and HyperFlex. What does Cisco’s next-generation hyperconverged platform and Elvis have in common? Surprisingly a lot. Elvis is one of the greatest singers of all time and is kn…

May 6, 2016


Hybrid Cloud Power Trio

When I hear the term “power trio”, I think of Geddy, Neil and Alex.  A band, where there’s just a bass, drums and guitar, with one of  ’em singing.  By the way, if you like Rush, I’m guessing you’ll like Winery Dogs too.  Both are outstanding examples of power trios.  Another great…