
March 30, 2016


Hyperconverged Infrastructure – Industry Analyst Insights

Industry analyst firm, Gartner, expects the market for hyperconverged infrastructure to reach $5 billion by 2019. We’ve pulled together insights from a variety of analyst firms to explain why many customers are interested in this technology. Customer Benefits Create Demand Hyperconverged infrastruct…

March 22, 2016


Cisco HyperFlex – Customers Embracing Real Hyperconvergence

Customers are very good at sorting through hype. In the past couple of weeks Cisco, along with other vendors, has introduced new hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI)products. The competition has heated up and customers expect more substance in these systems – not just hype. They want products that de…

March 10, 2016


The Power of Partnerships: powering Cisco HyperFlex

Last week at Cisco Partner Summit 2016 we celebrated the introduction Cisco HyperFlex Systems. More importantly, we gathered in San Diego to celebrate the Power of Partnerships. Cisco is an established leader in data center convergence: bringing together the people, process and technology of IT, but…

March 1, 2016


Introducing Cisco HyperFlex Systems

Today I am pleased to introduce a new Cisco product family, and the next generation of hyperconverged infrastructure: Cisco HyperFlex Systems. Cisco HyperFlex represents true hyperconvergence, combining innovative software defined storage and data services software with Cisco UCS, the proven system…

January 14, 2016


Composable Infrastructure Webinar – Forrester Analyst Provides Insights

There’s been a lot of talk in the past several months about composable infrastructure. It’s a new product category that has gained attention as Cisco and other vendors have introduced new products into the market. A webinar on January 21 with Forrester Research analyst, Richard Fichera, will provide…

December 10, 2015


Composable Infrastructure Part 6: Understanding Infrastructure Options

The IT industry is in a significant period of transition, and the infrastructure landscape has changed a great deal. There are many options today, and the number of options will grow over the next two years. Having more options can more lead to complexity and potential limitation.  As you assess you…