give back
Leaving the World a Better Place with Cisco’s Time2Give
As a mom, I want to the leave the world a better place for my children. I often think about how I can actively make this happen and do my part to help change the world. If you’re like me, you probably have great intentions of solving world peace but struggle to find the time to accomplish such a fe…
How Time2Give Connects the Customer Experience Strategy Team
In the Customer Experience (CX) Strategy & Portfolio Team, our foundational belief is that what we do at Cisco is important, but that it should never overshadow the value of who we are as people. This belief has even inspired a team tradition! At each team meeting, we give new team members the…
Litter: The Real Fabric of our Lives?
Every year, Cisco gives each employee 40 hours (an entire work week!) to volunteer, and we can use all of it at once or just a few hours here and there throughout the year. It perhaps goes without saying that employees certainly take advantage of this incredible benefit, and there’s all kinds of way…
To err is human, to purr is feline
I’ve been with the Cisco Family now for 19 months as a Database Administrator here. The name kind of says it all, but I am responsible for taking care of our databases to ensure we are always backed up should a situation arise. Working in a technology company, you may think that’s all we’re about –…
Homeless for a Night – Chicago’s Sleep Out
I love the way the city of Chicago glows at night – it’s beautiful enough for me to forget about the miserable traffic I just sat through to get here. Chicago has brought me into its skyline for a multitude of reasons over the years from client meetings, sporting events, concerts, to dining – The Wi…
7 Reasons Cisco Employees #LoveWhereYouWork
How can you tell Cisco employees love where they work – and that you might love working here too? There’s a contest for that. 😉 The third annual #WeAreCisco #LoveWhereYouWork contest kicked off on January 17th at the Cisco Beat (our all-employee monthly meeting) and finishes February 23rd. …
Going Bald for St. Baldricks – A Promise Made is a Promise Kept
I am about to go bald. 18” inches of long, crazy purple hair that my colleagues always comment on and know me by will be gone. Seem crazy to you? It gets even crazier. It’ll all be happening just two days after I’m married. Why the heck would I do that? I’m glad you asked. 🙂 You may have re…
Cisco Cares About Kaihura (and Everywhere Else!)
“Did you enjoy your safari?” This is what people ask me when I say I went to Africa. My answer? “I didn’t go on safari, but what I did was wonderful all the same!” I didn’t know much about Africa before my first trip in 2014. My daughter Kori and I went with our local church on the first of what wo…
A Cisconian’s Give Back Adventure Takes Her to Cuba
I am always ready for adventure! Aren’t you? Working for Cisco’s AppDynamics on the Customer Success Team provides me with a sense of continued adventure, and I knew that I wanted to add a bit of unique excitement when I used my annual volunteer hours. (Cisco gives us FIVE days to give back each yea…