
November 8, 2017


Cisco IT Helps TAC Team in Mexico Get Back Online Fast Following Major Earthquake

Our colleagues in the Mexico City office had a close call on September 19, 2017, when the magnitude 7.1 Central Mexico earthquake struck. They were already outside of their building, ironically, having been evacuated as part of a scheduled earthquake drill. While everyone was safe, the building was…

June 16, 2015


We don’t need ‘The Rock’ to save the day, we just need to ‘Get Social’!

Mobile applications and sensors are commonly used to monitor traffic, health & wellness and incidents such as road traffic accidents.  But what about the threat of catastrophic disasters such as earthquakes where the loss of life can be unprecedented? The sun drenched, Californian city of Pasade…

Video-Equipped Mobile Clinics Bring City Doctors to Clinics

Today, the Wall Street Journal featured a video on Cisco’s Connecting Sichuan program, which revitalized healthcare with technology in Sichuan Province after a massive earthquake in 2008. The program included mobile clinics equipped with Cisco videoconferencing technology and uplinks. Today these cl…