
Petals of Data Can Move a Country

Recently I talked about the dance of the decade for IT and broader industries, in which we use a value-chain approach to sense and act on data in order to turn insights into transformative value for your business. If businesses can create value that way, would it be a stretch for governments to make…

June 9, 2016


#TransformationThursday: Are Efficient Public Services Any Good?

Just Ask Dave: Properly and efficiently delivering public services to your constituency can be as important as keeping someone like poor Dave out of the metaphorical doghouse. Or when you consider something such as serving your senior citizens, easy, cost-effective access to services can be absolute…

June 7, 2016


Don’t make this mistake with vendor contracts

This is a continuation of this blog on remote access. Has your organization signed up for remote management of critical infrastructure without your knowledge of the details? Many customers I work with were not aware of the contractual obligations they agreed to regarding remote access. Many customer…

How to Start Your Digital Journey in the Oil and Gas Industry

Oil and gas executives are often asking these tough questions: Where is the oil industry going? How will it get there? How soon does it need to get there? I answered some of these points in a study I was proud to help create last year (A New Reality for Oil & Gas). I’m now pleased to announce…

Big Themes from UTC2016: #CiscoChat Recap

At UTC 2016, utility companies and thought leaders discussed how to tackle many issues impacting IT and telecom initiatives in the water, electric, and gas utility industries. To continue the conversation from the event, I hosted a #CiscoChat on Twitter with Bob Lockhart (@BobLockhartUTC), Eric Ehle…

Join our #CiscoChat – BIG Themes from UTC 2016

About the Author: Eric recently joined Cisco in 2016 to cover manufacturing and energy vertical marketing. He was previously the Director of Marketing at Belden where he led strategic programs and digital marketing efforts for Industrial Networking and Connectivity, Enterprise Connectivity, and Cybe…

May 12, 2016


First-Movers Make Cybersecurity Their Digital Foundation

To win in today’s market where disruptive startups and agile competitors are advancing on all sides, digitizing the enterprise to infuse greater agility and innovation is critical. This means transforming your operating model, which includes reimagining products and services, business models, as wel…

May 5, 2016


Making Streetcars Smarter in Kansas City

Here at Cisco, we think there’s never been a better time to make cities smarter and Kansas City, Missouri is helping to lead this charge with its smart streetcar debut this week. Kansas City is getting even smarter by tapping into technology advances to change the way people work and live today whic…

May 4, 2016


Vendors as Attack Vectors – The Risk You Take with Partner Services

About the Author: Mr. Albach is the Sr. Product Line Manager of IoT Security and joined Cisco in 2010 when he defined and delivered three network security solutions with the most recent – Cisco’s first Industrial Security Appliance. Did you know you can be contractually obligated to let people…