Digital Solutions for Industries
7 Key Takeaways from NRF 2020
Cisco’s presence at NRF focused on the opportunity retailers have to connect their value chain with IT. The main exhibit demonstrated this in a grape to glass booth journey that showed digital retail solutions from production through supply chain management to delivery and in-store engagement.…
Closing the Knowledge Gap in Manufacturing: Converge IT with OT
Recently, the article “Making IoT Pay in Manufacturing” in Forbes caught my eye with a few interesting statistics from a recent study: 71% of manufacturers say IoT will have a significant impact or some impact on their business over the next five years (24% and 47% respectively) Yet 24% have no comp…
Introducing “The Smart Bottling and Distribution System” from Cisco
When it comes to the Internet of Everything, few industries have as much opportunity, or as much at stake, as manufacturing. Specifically, certain verticals such as Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) and Food and Beverage manufacturing face unique challenges and opportunities. According to the Price Wate…
Connected Machines: Reducing Unplanned Downtime and Improving Service
Many manufacturers operate at high volumes, and unplanned production downtime is costly. One leading auto manufacturer estimates unplanned downtime in a factory can cost them as much as $20,000 per minute. Often these line down situations are the result of production machine failures that could be a…
Cisco’s Solution Framework for the Digital Journey
Every country, city, industry, and business is becoming digital in order to leverage the unprecedented opportunities possible from rapidly expanding connectivity around the globe. Digitization requires customers to rethink their business, operations, and technology strategies. Cisco’s research…