April 23, 2013


Evolution of Virtualized Routing

Hello, and welcome to my blog. As a new member of the Enterprise Networking’s Solutions Marketing team, I’ll be writing about connectivity to the cloud, Software Defined Networking (SDN) and virtualized routing. You can expect to learn details around Cisco’s architecture and product offerings in the…

Cisco Employee Receives Prestigious Governmental Award for Work on Project Samudaya

In November 2012, Cisco Bangalore-based employee Aravind Sitaraman (President – Inclusive Growth) received the prestigious Rajyotsava award for his leadership of Cisco’s Project Samudaya, which helped rebuild 5 villages in the Indian state of Karnataka after catastrophic flooding in 2009. This honor…

A Successful CSR Program Depends on Employee Engagement

This week, SmartRecruiters recognized Cisco as having one of the top 10 corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs in the United States. In her assessment of Cisco’s CSR programs, SmartRecruiters blogger Lexie Forman-Ortiz acknowledged one of its key components: our employees. A Cisco employee p…

January 23, 2013


Cisco Recognized on “Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World” List (#WEF)

Cisco is honored to be on the Global 100 list of the worlds’ most sustainable companies as announced today at the World Economic Forum in Davos by Corporate Knights, a Toronto, Canada-based media and investment research company. Being recognized by Corporate Knights as a company that takes sustainab…

Cisco CSR Collaborates for Impact at the World Economic Forum

“We believe economic progress without social development is not sustainable, while social development without economic progress is not feasible.” – Klaus Schwab, Founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum Historically individuals and institutions have often been limited to the results of their…

So did we see the Loch Ness Monster? – Ride Across Britain to Raise Funds for Paralympic Athletes

Since ” ’tis the season” for giving in many parts of the world, and as end of the calendar year approaches, I’ve decided to finish my working year reflecting upon the biggest “Giving Back” initiative I was personally part of in September of this year (2012) –…

Scoring Suppliers on Sustainability

At Cisco, we rely on more than 600 suppliers worldwide to manufacture, test, ship, and recycle the products we design. And, we expect these suppliers to meet the same high standards on ethics, labor rights, health and safety, and the environment that we apply to our people and operations. So how do…

Santa Takes Cisco Technology on Virtual Sleigh Ride Across U.K. and Ireland

For many children, visiting Santa Claus, sitting on his lap, and telling him what they want for Christmas is a highlight of the holiday season. But for a sick, hospitalized child, participating in this tradition can be impossible. Thanks to Cisco technology and a network of Cisco volunteers, hundred…

Putting a Human Face on Big Data at the Social Innovation Summit

Today, everyone at Cisco is excited about the release of a new book — “The Human Face of Big Data” by Rick Smolan, a former Time, Life, and National Geographic photographer best known as the creator of the “Day in the Life” book series. Cisco is a sponsor of the Human Face of Big Data Project,…