Cisco Networking Academy in a New Era

We are at the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and entering a new era of digitization, which is rapidly disrupting how we live, work, and relate to one another. Today’s technologies, including artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Cisco’s recently launched new intui…

Cisco’s Laura Quintana: Empowering through Technology

This post originally appeared in Latino Leaders Magazine in December 2016. Laura joined Cisco in 1999 and currently leads the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) field operations worldwide. She and her team, based in 40 countries, help shape and drive public-private partnerships to desig…

April 13, 2016


Making Manufacturing Sustainable – Starting with Our Supply Chain

With Earth day right around the corner, I thought this would be a good time to discuss Cisco’s role in sustainability. We are proud to share that we have been awarded the 2016 Climate Leadership Award from the EPA for our work making our supply chain more sustainable. At Cisco we’re not only energy…

April 5, 2016


Cisco employee pays it forward in Honduras

We all face hardships in life, some more than others. There was a time in my life where I needed the help of those around me, and in return, paying that forward has become my passion. With Cisco’s recent announcement that they were giving every employee five days to give back to the global community…

Inspiring Young Women at Cisco France’s Eighth Connected Girls Event

Superheroes like Wonder Woman only exist in the comic books; or do they? At Cisco, scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs are everywhere, inspiring the next generation of young women to pursue a career in the IT field and become global problem solvers. And earlier this year, at Cisco France’s Eigh…

Cisco Networking Academy to Partner in Cuba

Today, we are pleased to announce that Cisco will begin a new relationship with the Universidad de las Ciencias Informaticas (UCI) of Cuba, with the intention of bringing the Cisco Networking Academy program to UCI students.…

February 4, 2016


Cisco CSR 1000V Now Available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace

This is a guest post by Ed Cho. Since the inception of our strategic partnership in 2014, Cisco and Microsoft have worked diligiently to combine our respective strengths in the data center and cloud services into game changing solutions that empower our joint customers and partners. True to this obj…

November 11, 2015


Cisco Networking Academy Dream Team

Each year more than 160,000 students enroll in the Cisco Networking Academy in North America alone. As a former academy instructor myself, and now a freelance technical trainer, I’m extremely interested in mentoring and learning opportunities that become available for up and coming network engineers…

Cisco Awarded Top International Honor for Energy Management

On September 30, 2015, Cisco received the International Corporate Energy Management Award from the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) for our global energy management program and our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally.  We are very honored to receive this award and ve…