earth day

April 22, 2019


Earth Day: What Makes Cisco a Sustainability Leader?

Nearly 50 years ago, US Senator Gaylord Nelson spearheaded the first Earth Day, sparked by the devastating 1969 oil spill off the Southern California coast. The inaugural celebration in 1970 saw 20 million Americans showing their support, followed by the passing of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act…

Recycle IT Day: How Cisco Tackles E-Waste

Global e-scrap dumping—it’s a serious environmental and public health issue. To help address this critical concern, Cisco hosts Recycle IT Day every year, and has done so since 2002. Around the world, Cisco locations act as collection points for employees to drop off e-scrap like end-of-life e…

April 13, 2016


Making Manufacturing Sustainable – Starting with Our Supply Chain

With Earth day right around the corner, I thought this would be a good time to discuss Cisco’s role in sustainability. We are proud to share that we have been awarded the 2016 Climate Leadership Award from the EPA for our work making our supply chain more sustainable. At Cisco we’re not only energy…

Cisco’s Doing What on Earth Day?

Oh so much! First of all, we don’t consider Earth Day as just one day in the year when we implement a few feel-good actions that temporarily improve our environment. We consider Earth Day a great opportunity to reach out to our 68,000+ global employees to highlight today’s most pressing environmenta…

Earth Day 2014: Time for Hope (and Frustration)

If you’re into sustainability, Earth Day can be a bit like New Year’s Day. A time to reflect. A time of hope. Maybe a bit of frustration with things not yet completed. But impatience can grease the wheels of change… A time of hope. Today, sustainability isn’t just the provinc…