Implementing a Successful Public-Private Partnership: Leveraging Technology and Innovation

This is the final article in a five-part series on how a company or organization can develop, implement, and sustain successful public-private partnerships (PPP) that achieve large-scale impact. Click to read part one on determining who to work with, part two on determining when and how long to eng…

Implementing a Successful Public-Private Partnership: Ensuring Long-Term Sustainability

This is the fourth article in a five-part series on how a company or organization can develop, implement, and sustain successful public-private partnerships (PPP) that achieve large-scale impact. Click to read part one on determining who to work with, part two on determining when and how long to en…

Live #CiscoChat September 21st: Developing Public-Private Partnerships to Achieve Large-Scale Impact

Big issues call for big solutions. Declining community health, poor economic sustainability, and insufficient access to education are just a few of societal challenges we face. But when governments, companies, and nonprofits collaborate strategically, their powerful public-private partnerships (PPPs…

Cisco Named Sustainability Leader by Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Cisco is proud to be named to the Dow Jones Sustainability (DJSI) World index. We’ve been on the World Index 10 of the last 13 years. The DJSI series, a globally recognized benchmark, rates companies based on their economic, environmental, and social dimensions. The indices serve as a resource for i…

September 13, 2017


The Price of Knowledge: dot Learn

Spotlight on Our Inaugural GPS Challenge First Runner-Up It’s been said that knowledge is freedom. For many, this means freedom from poverty, since a formal education can significantly improve an individual’s standard of living. In the Internet age, it may seem like online videos and other learning…

Implementing a Successful Public-Private Partnership: How to Execute

This post originally appeared on Triple Pundit. This is the third article in a five-part series on how a company or organization can develop, implement, and sustain successful public-private partnerships (PPP) that achieve large-scale impact. Click to read part one on determining who to work with, p…

Cisco Announces New Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals

In FY17, which ended in July, we completed and met our latest greenhouse gas (GHG) Scope 1 and 2 reduction goal. To recap, Cisco’s past Scope 1 and 2 reduction goals include: June 2008: Five-year EPA Climate Leaders commitment to reduce all Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions worldwide by 25% absolut…

August 17, 2017


3 Ways Cisco is Celebrating World Humanitarian Day

Humanitarian crises persist around the world. Natural disasters and human conflict displace millions each year. These devastating incidents deprive innocent people access to our most basic human needs: adequate shelter, food, and clean water. Part of our Corporate Social Responsibility commitment is…

July 31, 2017


Helping Others Find Their Voice: Project Vive

Spotlight on Our Inaugural GPS Challenge Grand Prize Winner Our voice is part of the foundation of how we connect with each other. We voice our needs and share our ideas and feelings. It’s how we’re heard. Having a “voice” is fundamental to being an individual. Meet Arlyn Edelstein. She has cerebral…