Five things that are bigger than the Internet: Findings from this year’s Global Cloud Index
The scale of the Internet is awe-inspiring. By 2021, there will be 4.6 billion people and 27 billion devices connected to the Internet, and Internet traffic will reach 2.8 trillion Gigabytes (or 2.8 Zettabytes) per year. (These numbers are published in our annual Visual Networking Index.) Even with…
Cisco Container Platform: What’s In It For Me?
Maybe you saw the announcement that Cisco is now providing a Google-blessed Kubernetes distribution that is super easy to install on prem. Possibly you even watched the TechWiseTV episode that shows the wizard-like experience that spins up a container cluster in a few minutes. Whatever your exposu…
A Strategy for Multicloud Success
Organizations universally agree that cloud solutions provide compelling benefits in speed, flexibility, cost model and architecture. Trade publications regularly document the latest cloud news. Vendors rush to incorporate cloud into their solutions. Industry analysts capture the latest cloud trends…
Cisco Container Platform – Kubernetes for the Enterprise
Developed by Google to shepherd their in-house container clusters, Kubernetes has been vying for the attention and adoption of cloud architects. For the past several years, Docker Swarm, Mesos and Kubernetes have engaged in the duel to bring orchestration nirvana to containerized applications. While…
Cisco Cloud to the Rescue
I’m on my way to Barcelona and I’m more excited than ever to attend another Cisco Live! The reason why I’m so pumped up is twofold. First of all, the economy cabin of my long-haul flight from San Francisco to Munich treated me much better than expected and I almost slept for the entire duration of t…
Cloud Unfiltered Podcast, Episode 33: Shannon McFarland
Are we all comfortable with the term “multicloud” yet? Used to be that we just had “the cloud,” then “public and private clouds,” then “hybrid cloud,” and now it seems that most companies are running a little bit of everything, so we needed a new term, and just like that we’ve arrived at the doorste…
See Service Management and Orchestration from Edge to Cloud in Action at Cisco Live Barcelona
You can compare the Internet of Things (IoT) to the human body. When your hand picks up a –cup of hot tea or coffee, touch sensors in your fingers detect right away it is hot. Pain impulses to the nervous system signal the brain to let go of the cup. While actuators in the hand obey, the brain…
Year in Review: Charting a Path Through the Fog
Fog computing is the distributed cloud technology that enables many of the real-time, data-intensive capabilities of the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G mobile technology, and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. 2017 was a banner year for this emerging technology, reflected in the work that Cisc…
Cisco@CES: Cloud Architectures for Scaling Video: Three Use Cases From Our Customers
Written by Ramin Farassat More and more service providers are shifting toward cloud-delivered video, just as the video-heavy Consumer Electronics Show is once again at hand. CES is all about consumer experiences — mostly video, and increasingly driven from the cloud. I want to share three exam…