Cisco Security Intelligence Operations
Cisco Updates Its Next-Generation Firewall Management Application – Prime Security Manager
For those who are not familiar with the Cisco Prime Security Manager, it is a management application that was introduced in 2012 to manage Cisco ASA 5500-X Series Next-Generation Firewalls. It is built on Web 2.0 technologies and supports both single-device and multi-device manager form factors to h…
Mobility: No Longer a Risky Business?
Risk. It’s not just a strategic board game; in business it’s the analysis that determines the potential for loss. In today’s organization, the consumerization of IT has led to groundbreaking developments in the mobility space. The broad deployment of BYOD, coupled with the availability of corporate…
Standing Up to Threats: The Cisco 2013 Annual Security Report & Security Intelligence Operations [Infographic]
Are you thinking about the evolving threat landscape? You should be. Each day, new vulnerabilities are found and new exploits are crafted. Attackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, while industry trends such as cloud computing and mobility are rapidly expanding the attack surfaces. Your mob…
Network Threats Are Hitching a Ride in Mobile Environments
Innovation never stops in the mobile world, and that rule applies to security threats as well. Network attacks are becoming more sophisticated and even high-tech businesses with the most advanced security may find themselves in the crosshairs as we shift to more devices and anywhere access. Just a f…
Security Assessments: More Than Meets the Eye
Is the product safe to use? I have been asked this question on occasion in a non-technical sense and maybe you have too. In a technical context, I could frame the question as “Are the online services and underlying technologies supporting my services safe?” A continuous effort must go into substant…
History of Cisco’s Security Intelligence Operations Portal
The Cisco Security Intelligence Operations (SIO) Portal has matured over the past several years, and I’d like to highlight this change from the portal’s development to its evolving stages. I’ll also share the latest features on the portal and invite you tell us what you think about the portal throug…