
Mike Adler

No longer working at Cisco



October 2, 2013


A Weekly Dose of Cyber Security Awareness

In any given week, one doesn’t need to look very far to be reminded of the events and issues that can surface anytime, anywhere, and to anyone. Given their modes of occurrence, range of diverse levels, technical, non-technical, and globally, wouldn’t it be convenient to have a brief syno…

July 9, 2013


TMA? Get Some Relief from Acronym Overload

I see and hear a variety of acronyms being used on a daily basis. I recently heard one tossed around with good humor that makes a point: TMA or Too Many Acronyms. Every once in a while, when I think I’ve embedded the definition and use of an acronym into my long-term memory (anything beyond an…

April 10, 2013


A Programmatic Approach to Using Cisco’s Security Intelligence Feed

If you’re an end-user or manager of software that has publicly known security vulnerabilities, wouldn’t you want to know about it? If you’re a software developer, wouldn’t you want to know if there are third-party software vulnerabilities that may impact your applications or products?  D…

February 12, 2013


Cisco Security Vulnerability Management Presentation at (ISC)2 New York City

My colleague, Dario Ciccarone from the Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) will be presenting “Security Vulnerability Handling at Cisco” at (ISC)2’s New York Metro Chapter meeting on February 13th, 2013. This will be an evening of information security presentations, networkin…

January 3, 2013


Security Assessments: More Than Meets the Eye

Is the product safe to use? I have been asked this question on occasion in a non-technical sense and maybe you have too. In a technical context, I could frame the question as “Are the online services and underlying technologies supporting my services safe?”  A continuous effort must go into substant…