Cisco Powered

January 8, 2015


Disaster Recovery Oversights

It can be challenging and expensive to design an efficient network and data center that minimizes downtime.  Yet, even if you’ve put together a bulletproof solution, there’s always the possibility of disaster to consider. Developing a robust disaster recovery plan involves much more than just instal…

December 3, 2014


Enabling BYOD for your Organization

  Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) technology promises many benefits to organizations.  For example, increased productivity results when users can access data with any device, anywhere, anytime.  By both simplifying and automating security and policy management, IT management costs can also be redu…

November 17, 2014


Take Out the Stress of Choosing the Right Cloud Provider

For many organizations, buying cloud services can be stressful. After all, as your business moves more and more into the cloud, you need to know your services and cloud provider are as reliable or better than if these services originated from within your own data center. Buying cloud services can fe…

November 13, 2014


Rob Lloyd on Hybrid Cloud

Recently, Cisco’s Rob Lloyd sat down with Sungard AS to discuss how hybrid cloud services are changing the way organizations use the cloud.  As the president of development and sales, Rob understands many different sides of the hybrid cloud equation.  He talks with businesses about how they want to…

October 23, 2014


Do Your Own Self-Audit to Get the Most from the Hybrid Cloud

The hybrid cloud offers a key opportunity to businesses and other organizations.  Specifically, a hybrid cloud merges public cloud and private cloud resources.  Private clouds can either be premises-based or managed by a service provider.  By taking a hybrid approach, a company can dynamically exten…

August 13, 2014


Straight Talk About Cloud: 20 Providers and What They Think You Want

There’s a lot of talk about cloud, and for good reason.  According to a new white paper from IDC, 68% of companies with more than 1,000 employees are using some form of cloud or plan to implement cloud within the next 12 months.  In addition, these companies adopting cloud expect to spend 54% of the…

August 4, 2014


The Future of Cloud, Part 7: The Fabric Between the Clouds

(This is part 7 of a 7-part series sharing insights from Cisco partners about the Future of Cloud.) During CiscoLive!, I had the chance to talk with Andy Bird, Executive Director, Product Management and Development at eLoyalty, a Cisco partner for more than 15 years.  “We’ve chosen to partner up wit…

July 30, 2014


The Future of Cloud, Part 6: It Takes an Ecosystem

(This is part 6 of a 7-part series sharing insights from Cisco partners about the Future of Cloud.) “It’s been invigorating for us to hear all of the different messages around cloud because we really think that’s where the future is.”  This is what Steve Harris, Senior Vice President, National Allia…

July 28, 2014


The Future of Cloud, Part 5: The Value of Integration to Cloud Services

(This is part 5 of a 7-part series sharing insights from Cisco partners about the Future of Cloud.) “A lot of things go into building out a cloud practice that most people don’t realize until they get into it.  Because we have been a systems integrator, we know the on-premises environment very well.…