
January 14, 2015


Using the Cloud Strategically

A recent blog from Sungard AS, Stretch Your IT Dollar with Cloud Computing Services, offers more than just ideas on how cloud can extend your IT budget.  It also covers ways organizations of all sizes can use cloud services strategically to meet their goals, as well as provides a link to materials u…

January 8, 2015


Disaster Recovery Oversights

It can be challenging and expensive to design an efficient network and data center that minimizes downtime.  Yet, even if you’ve put together a bulletproof solution, there’s always the possibility of disaster to consider. Developing a robust disaster recovery plan involves much more than just instal…

November 13, 2014


Rob Lloyd on Hybrid Cloud

Recently, Cisco’s Rob Lloyd sat down with Sungard AS to discuss how hybrid cloud services are changing the way organizations use the cloud.  As the president of development and sales, Rob understands many different sides of the hybrid cloud equation.  He talks with businesses about how they want to…

October 23, 2014


Do Your Own Self-Audit to Get the Most from the Hybrid Cloud

The hybrid cloud offers a key opportunity to businesses and other organizations.  Specifically, a hybrid cloud merges public cloud and private cloud resources.  Private clouds can either be premises-based or managed by a service provider.  By taking a hybrid approach, a company can dynamically exten…