Cisco Certifications

June 10, 2019


Bringing Software Practices and Software Skills to Networking with Cisco Certifications and DevNet

Building IT teams to accelerate business with the new network It’s an exciting time to be in our industry because new networking technologies are catalyzing new applications and changing the role networks play in business. Advances in network technologies have enabled new applications and business m…

February 22, 2018


#CiscoChampion Radio, S5|Ep.6: Certifications

#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by technologists for technologists. In this episode, Cisco Champion Daniel Larsson discusses certifications with Cisco Champion David Samuel Penaloza Seijas and Cisco guest Peter Palúch. Get the Podcast Listen to this episode Download this episode (righ…

August 26, 2015


Certification exams – learning from failure

Some people like to say that you can’t ever fail an exam. I understand why someone would say that but I don’t agree. If you don’t make the cut, you have officially failed the exam. That does not mean you’re a failure or that you’re not a smart person. Certifications test the minimally qualified cand…

New Certifications Help Connect the Unconnected

The Internet of Everything (IoE) – bringing together people, process, data, and things to make networked connections more relevant and valuable than ever before – is accelerating the pace of digital transformation. This new age of the digital economy presents unprecedented challenges for…

May 20, 2015


#CiscoChampion Radio S2|Ep 19. Cisco Learning Network Update

#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’ll be talking about Cisco Learning Network (CLN) Updates with Cisco Learning Network Community Managers Matt Saunders and Brett Lovins. Listen to the Podcast. Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE. See a l…

April 20, 2015


4+1 Practices for Effective Lifelong IT Learning (Part 2)

Happy with how you go about learning, or wish you could learn more, learn more quickly, and even just do it? Today’s post continues what was begun in the previous post, namely a list of good practices to consider to improve how you go about learning throughout your IT career. The previous post set u…

August 25, 2014


Value of Cisco Certifications: Making Money Vs. Study

Imagine that you see a Tweet today inviting you to apply for a part-time networking job, something you can do in addition to your normal job. You appear to be qualified for the job, and the work looks interesting as well. However, it requires enough of your time so that you would have to set aside y…

July 22, 2014


#CiscoChampion Radio S1|Ep19 Cisco Learning Network

#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists hosted by Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week we’re talking about the Cisco Learning Network (CLN). Listen to the Podcast Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE. See a list of all #CiscoChampion Radio podcasts HE…

March 12, 2014


Getting started in IT

Recently, I researched wireless home internet packages at a local mall and being the IT guy that I am I asked some very technical questions. “Is this running over WiMax?”, “What frequency band is it operating in?”,”Where are your base stations located?”, “Is the s…