SP360: Service Provider

Congratulations Damian Mulcock, New VP/GM of Cisco’s Service Provider Video Software and Solutions Group

Happy New Year! As we kick off 2018 and head to CES in Las Vegas this week, I am happy to share that, effective immediately, Damian Mulcock has been promoted to Vice President and General Manager of our Service Provider Video Software and Solutions (SVPSS) business. He will be in charge of deliverin…

December 21, 2017


Cisco @CES 2018: Behind All The Gadgetry, There’s This Thing Called “Connectivity”

Amidst the clamor and crush of getting ready for the holidays, and closing out the year 2017, there’s this other big thing going on for many of us: Prepping for the 2018 International Consumer Electronics Show, in Las Vegas. You may ask why a company like Cisco, not necessarily known for consumer ga…

December 18, 2017


Accelerating the Cloud-Enabled Future of Mobile in Asia Pacific

The cloud has always been in a key pillar of digital transformation—and it is fast becoming one of the enablers of tomorrow’s mobile world. According to the Cisco Global Cloud Index (GCI) 2015-2020, cloud traffic will represent 92 percent  of total data center traffic globally by 2020. It shouldn’t…

December 15, 2017


Fiber Optics: Not Something To Make Light Of – Part 1

Written by Priya Maratukulam, Product Manager, Transceiver Modules Group, Cisco This is the first part in a series on the basic principles of fiber optic communication.  Have you ever wondered how the data we transmit through the internet is able to travel thousands of miles around the globe?  Well,…

December 14, 2017


Leading in 5G: Taking 5G to Orkney and Somerset – Part 1

“You’re doing … what?!  And … where?!  5G?  What’s that? And why in Orkney?!” Last weekend I took holiday Friday and Monday – including my Cisco “Birthday Day Off”– to travel to Switzerland for some early season skiing with friends. Inevitably we talked occasionally about work, and I mentioned…

December 14, 2017


Cisco Celebrates Wins at Telecom Asia Awards

Cisco recently put up an impressive showing at Telecom Asia’s 10th Annual Readers’ Choice & Innovation Awards, to clinch 2 awards despite strong competition. The annual awards ceremony held on November 16 in Singapore, recognizes the advancements and contributions by leading telecom and tech org…

December 13, 2017


IOS XR, Networking without Compromise

When discussing next-generation architectures with our Service Provider customers, I am often asked  how they can have silicon diversity for roles in their network, but maintain common operational model, carrier-class features and performance. The IOS XR offers just that. It runs on Cisco and mercha…

December 8, 2017


The Race is On: Is Your Network 5G Ready?

The growing 5G momentum promises tremendous commercial opportunities for service providers, with estimates that the global 5G market will be worth US$12.3 trillion by 2035. To pursue these new untapped opportunities, service providers need to ramp up their network capabilities to support future 5G s…

December 8, 2017


Driving by Cellular! – Cisco, Vodafone and Ericsson Push the Possibilities of 5G

On 25 September 2017, Vodafone, in collaboration with Cisco, Ericsson and a number of auto technology partners, successfully drove a BMW car around a test track in Düsseldorf by remote control, connecting the operations of a remote driver to the car over a cellular network. As we reach the end of th…