SP360: Service Provider
Service Providers set to take centre stage at Cisco Live! 2020 in Barcelona
Service Providers (SPs) represent some of the largest enterprises in today’s changing world. Influenced by the fluid macro-economic and geo-political climates in which they operate, they are at the forefront of network transformation in a fiercely competitive, global market. Meeting the expectations…
Reinventing the Internet: Solving Communication Service Provider Bandwidth Issues with Better Network Design
Guest blog by Rajesh Ghai, Research Director, Carrier Network Infrastructure, IDC Every day, more applications migrate to the cloud. Corporate networks increasingly stream rich data such as video, and real-time services such as 5G and IoT drive more low-latency connections and bandwidth demands. Wit…
The Internet for the Future Has Been Unveiled
Today, the world received the blueprint for the Internet for the Future from Cisco – the company who built and powered the Internet for the past 35 years. Built on breakthrough building blocks in silicon, software, systems and optics from Cisco, the next Internet will be supercharged, limitless and…
ONE Silicon, ONE Experience, MULTIPLE Roles
Wherever you are, you likely have devices containing a semiconductor chip around you – computers, phones, television sets, printers, cars, trains, airplanes, and more. It’s almost hard to believe that this tiny electronic component unleashed the same magnitude of change as the Industrial Revolution…
Cisco Goes SONiC on New Networking Platforms
Cisco has collaborated closely with Microsoft to drive large scale networking. Today, at the launch of Cisco Silicon One and the Cisco 8000, we are happy to share progress we have made together on the fundamental building blocks of open networking. In in 2016, to address the requirements of r…
Optics: Fundamental to Build the Internet for the Future
The internet. Who knew what an impact it would have on our world? Two decades ago, the phrase “being connected” in the way we think of it today barely existed. Now, not only are our computers connected to the internet, but new inhabitants including phones, clothes, cars, homes – the list goes on – a…
SRv6 is coming
Segment Routing MPLS customer adoption is truly outstanding. As of today, we count more than 30 live deployments and about 80 deployments are planned. The pace of adoption for SRv6 will be even faster. Let me expand on why I’m making this bet. IPv6 connectivity is getting more pervasiv…
Putting the Enterprise in the 5G Driver’s Seat
The enterprise offers boundless opportunities as we move into and through the 5G era. 90% of Service Provider CXOs said the most important new revenue streams in 5G are going to come from enterprise. But what are the business models for 5G where the enterprise is concerned? And did anyone actually a…
What Are S-Parameters and Other Hot Cable Network Topics
SCTE•ISBE’s Cable-Tec Expo – the biggest cable show of the year – is over and now the hard work of putting all that new knowledge and innovation to work begins. The hot topic most interesting to me were advancements made to ready the network for DAA deployments. From overcoming challenges, to operat…