
Cisco Chat trendingWhat’s an API (Application Program Interface)?
What’s a CLI (Command Line Interface)?
Are APIs really poised to take over CLIs?

On Wednesday, March 22, @CiscoDevNet hosted a lively #CiscoChat to discuss these questions. Developers and engineers from all over the world joined the chat to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of APIs and CLIs, data models and how they relate to APIs, and what people entering developer and systems engineer careers need to be aware of.

There was so much great engagement that by the end of the chat, #CiscoChat was a trending hashtag on Twitter (for specific regions), and the conversation still continues! Follow along with the highlights below, and catch the full recap on Storify here: storify.com/CiscoChat/ciscochat-have-apis-killed-the-cli



Question: What makes an API better than a CLI?

Cisco Chat Hank Preston API CLI


Cisco Chat CLI API


Cisco Chat Wendell Odom


Cisco Chat Cisco SE Manager


Cisco Chat Cisco SE


Cisco Chat dCloud and DevNet


Question: In a world of APIs, what skills should network engineers be learning?

Cisco Chat Systems Engineers Developer


Cisco Chat DevNet Developer


Cisco Chat conversation


Cisco Developer Looking for more great content around this topic? Check out VP of World-Wide Systems Engineering, Mike Koon’s, blog “Embrace Innovation where Applications meet Infrastructure” and follow him on Twitter for more insights, @KoonsCisco.

Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of the inaugural #DevNetCreate!
Find all the details @DevNetCreate and on blog.devnetcreate.io

Join us for the next DevNet #CiscoSE chat on the week of May 7th.

Thanks to all of you who participated in the chat! We look forward to seeing you next time.