
My notebook is filled with inspiration, actions, ideas, and scuttlebutt from Partner Summit. I bet yours is too! Here are five things to do next (and share with your team).


1. Watch what you missed.

You can’t be in two places at once which is why we offer the general sessions, impact sessions, geo sessions, announcements, contact information and more all in one spot. Catch up on what you missed and share your favorite sessions with your team. It’s all on SalesConnect.


2. Take the next step on selling and marketing

We’re giving you more to sell, fresh ways to market, and simple ways to get started and earn money. Learn about our new security, data center, and collaboration solutions. Find out how to make more profit in less time with better results with new enablement offers.  And bring digital marketing to the forefront of your sales and marketing strategy to reach more customers, more deeply. Key channel publications are showing their confidence in our strategy. See what CRN, Channel E2E, and TechTarget are writing about Cisco.


3. See what’s next for your region

Your regional leads are ready to help you move faster and with more confidence. Read their highlights and discover what’s next in the Americas, APJ, and EMEAR.


4. Celebrate success

Quite a few of our partners won awards last week (20 to be exact). Who are they and why did they win? We also kicked off our partner guest blog series, featuring a partner who has mastered the art and science of blending sales and marketing. Read the story and get ready for more stories like this coming out in the next few weeks.


5. Go full speed

You’ve got what you need. Let’s go Full Speed!