
According to IDC, companies with modern networks and digital initiatives realize 2-3 times the rate of growth in revenue, customer retention, and profit. In order to reap the benefits of digitization, companies need the right foundation in their enterprise. However, 63% of companies have not yet made the transition to automated or self-driving networks. CIOs often find that getting the funding and approval to make that digital foundation a reality can be a lengthy, difficult process. Cisco is now making it easier with Cisco Easy Pay.

Cisco Easy Pay can help make digital transformation as easy as possible – with predictable monthly payments and no upfront costs. The way it works is customers pay 90% of the hardware solution with cost spread out over three years interest-free. Software and services can also be included at 100% of the cost interest-free. Then, at the end of the term, they have three options:  1) Return and refresh the equipment, 2) Extend their lease, or 3) Purchase the solution for 10% of the original cost. This structure offers your customers an alternative investment model so they can use their budget for other technology investments.

Many Cisco partners have already taken advantage of Cisco Easy Pay so far. But, now we are making it even easier and more beneficial for both partners and customers. We have expanded Cisco Easy Pay to include ALL Cisco architectures – enterprise networks, routing, switching, wireless, security, data center, collaboration, and security. And, in keeping with our commitment to simplification, there are no more SKU requirements. You no longer have to worry about which SKUs qualify for this financing offer.

For partners, this means faster deal close, and potentially larger deal size due to 0% financing. Cisco Easy Pay can also help you overcome budget objections and trigger technology refresh discussions. For customers, the great financing terms are especially helpful when moving to software and cloud-focused infrastructures. Customers can more easily keep their investments modernized and now have a choice of OpEx or CapEx when making purchase decisions.

Act now – this offer is available in the Americas and EMEAR (country limitations apply) and is valid through July 29, 2018.  Leverage the expanded Cisco Easy Pay, and make it easy for your customers to begin their digital transformation.  For more information, please visit Sales Connect or contact your Cisco finance representative.