
Partner-Weekly-Rewind-v2Each week, we’ll highlight the most important Cisco partner news and stories, as well as point you to important, Cisco-related partner content you may have missed along the way. Here’s what you might have missed this week:

Off the Top

Bruce Klein offered us his thoughts on the Internet of Everything (IoE) opportunity and how Cisco’s evolution of its partner ecosystem supports “connecting the unconnected.”

With a look back at John Chambers’ keynote at CES 2014 in January, and some great examples of using Cisco technology to change the conversation with your clients, Bruce provided fabulous insight on how partners can claim their share of the IoE opportunity just by taking a different approach.

Be sure to take a look at Bruce’s blog and join the conversation on IoE.

Partner Evolution Toward the Cloud

In a follow up to Edison Peres’ blog on evolving to Cloud and Hybrid IT, Bob Gault provided an in-depth look at the top five business imperatives for partners looking to evolve toward the cloud. With customers shifting away from premise-based solutions and moving more and more to the cloud, Bob took a look at:

  1. Constructing a Hybrid IT Business Model
  2. Utilizing Experts to Prepare for Cloud
  3. Engaging in the right Business Conversation (With the right Department)
  4. Considering Partnering with other Partners
  5. Focusing on Cloud-based Customer Services

This blog is not to be missed if you want to capitalize on the shift to cloud!

Partner Opportunities with Software-Enabled Services

The latest post from Raja Sundaram is centered around software-enabled services and how they can create lucrative opportunities for partners. Be sure to give Raja’s blog a read and get up-to-speed on our Smart Services portfolio and how you can capture your share of this opportunity.

Good Reads

Keep An Eye Out