Executive Platform
Insights for Customers from GSX 2018
Cisco recently wrapped up its annual worldwide sales conference, and while much of the content and conversations were directed toward our salespeople, all of it was focused around our most important audience—our customers. I had the privilege to present to more than 3,500 sellers, to update them on…
When AI Joins Your Meeting
One of the best things about working at a company with Cisco’s resources is you get to blend fundamental technology research with macroeconomic trends. For example, the inevitable improvement of AI and collaboration technology, empowered by the global rise towards building distributed work teams, wi…
Cisco Spark Connects John Legend to Music Apprentices
While my day-to-day job is focused on helping our customers transform their business, what I’m about to share with you has nothing to do with making the numbers. Yet, it highlights one of the great honors of being in this role and why I love being part of Cisco. Recently, Cisco had the opportunity t…
The Price of Knowledge: dot Learn
Spotlight on Our Inaugural GPS Challenge First Runner-Up It’s been said that knowledge is freedom. For many, this means freedom from poverty, since a formal education can significantly improve an individual’s standard of living. In the Internet age, it may seem like online videos and other learning…
Deliver 5G services today – at the speed of “CLICK”
See us at Mobile World Congress – Americas in San Francisco, Sept. 12-14 We recently published a blog discussing the ability to implement 5G in a way that made good financial sense. The point is that 5G is very much about enabling new services and that can only be done with the right network founda…
Why Promoting Diversity Is Not Only the Right Thing to Do—It’s Also Good Business
I’m a numbers guy. So, it really got my attention when I learned that businesses which make diversity and inclusion a priority do better than others. In fact, U.S. companies in the top quartile for gender diversity have 15 percent higher financial performance than the national industry median. And f…
The Yin-Yang of Video-Aware Networking
A few weeks ago, 55,000 of my closest media, entertainment, and technology colleagues and I traveled to Amsterdam to attend IBC. IBC is a very special show where the worlds of technology and media collide. As the industry continues to evolve at warp speed, IBC this year proved to be an exceptional v…
The Network. Intuitive. The Next Chapter with Peter Dinklage
It’s been just over two months since Cisco unveiled our vision for the new era of networking, The Network. Intuitive. The response has been amazing. Employees, partners, customers, and influencers are all excited about what happens when a network constantly, learns, adapts and protects. And the more…
ACI Anywhere!
Evolving beyond multi-pod and multi-site deployment models, ACI will soon be available within public cloud environments, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure At Cisco, we are proud that over 4,000 customers have chosen Cisco Application Centric Infrastructur…