
Imagine this travel experience: You enter your hotel, and your mobile app buzzes to welcome you back and offers you free Wi-Fi within the lobby area. The app informs you you’re now in line for check-in with a 3 minute wait – your latte is being made in the waiting lounge, and the receptionist will come directly to you. After you check-in, the app launches a map of the property, highlighting all of the hotel’s amenities. As you walk to your room, personalized dining and spa promotions appear – they can be used anytime during your stay.

Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences solution can enable hospitality organizations to use Wi-Fi location services to engage and retain always-connected mobile guests by providing them with highly personalized content and experiences.

Hospitality venues can also use the Wi-Fi network to augment the guest and conference experience to build loyalty and boost sales with location-based information integrated into mobile applications.

Watch our 35 minute webcast (Available On Demand) to learn about the Wi-Fi technology behind the solution and strategies for how to create connected mobile experiences to engage your guests.

You will learn:

–       How to integrate location information into loyalty apps for a real-time indoor map experience at resorts and conference centers

–       How Wi-Fi technology can enable hospitality organizations to better understand guest patterns and behavior while inside their venue

–       How location analytics can help hospitality organizations understand guest peak days and times, and how organizations can make changes to their Wi-Fi or plan and staff for incoming and outgoing guests

–       How to use Connected Mobile Experiences to encourage loyalty application usage while on premise

–       Additional revenue and guest engagement opportunities for hospitality

Watch the webinar now CLICK TO WATCH

For more on Connected Mobile Experiences, check out our Connected Mobile Experiences for Hospitality At-A-Glance or visit www.cisco.com/go/cmx