
July 24, 2019


DevNet Certifications – How to get ready for the DevOps Exam

As you may have seen, here at DevNet we were super excited to launch our new certifications track at Cisco LIVE! in San Diego. You can read all about the launch in Susie Wee’s blog. With blueprints for the DEVNET associate, professional, and specialist exams available, this series of blog pos…

July 22, 2019


New Crosswork APIs Help Service Providers Automate Network Operations

Due to changes in customer preferences, and technological evolutions such as 5G, Service Providers (SPs) are expected to face massive traffic growth and increased operational complexities. To make the most out of those opportunities, Service Providers are looking for ways to control costs and simpli…

July 18, 2019


Using Automation for a DataCenter Network Core Migration

This blog is authored by Ioannis Theodoridis (Yannis for friends and workmates). I am a network and systems engineer specializing in fault, performance, and service level monitoring for the Network and IT services. I work in the Network Department, in the IT Division of the Bank of Greece, as a memb…

July 17, 2019


#CiscoChat LIVE: DevNet Network Automation Exchange

Happy New (Fiscal) Year, Cisco! We are kicking-off Fiscal Year 2020 with a special #TeamDevNet #CiscoChat LIVE! featuring: Bill Hentschell (@BHentschell) John McDonough (@johnamcdonough) Patrick Rockholz (@patrickrockholz) …and moderated by yours truly (@silviakspiva). The #CiscoChat LIVE! will be o…

July 16, 2019


Network Automation Using Unified API – Napalm

Before I joined the awesome Cisco DevNet team, I worked for Cisco on two of their biggest cloud platforms as a network engineer. My old team and I designed and built one of biggest Cisco Data Center footprints AND we did it all manually. Yes, no automation! We mostly used notepad files as templates,…

July 15, 2019


CI/CD Demo: Setting Your Local Environment – NetDevOps Series, Part 8

This is part 2 of the CI/CD Demo, on how to run your own demo using CI/CD pipelines for network configuration management. Julio’s previous posts in the NetDevOps Series are available here. To experience and demonstrate the full NetDevOps configuration pipeline, you may want to setup a local d…

July 10, 2019


Get Ready for DevNet Certifications and Validate Your Software Skills

In the past nine years I’ve worked at Cisco, I’ve seen some of the most significant expansions and updates to the Cisco Certification program – from the reorganization of the CCVP, CCIP, and CCSP certifications into the larger CCNP program; to the continued evolution of CCNA; to the further refineme…

July 8, 2019


Enterprise Streaming Telemetry and You: Getting Started with Model Driven Telemetry

Why Streaming Telemetry? Cisco IOS XE is the Network Operating System for the Enterprise. It runs on switches like the Catalyst 9000, routers like the ASR 1000, CSR1000v, and ISR 1000 and 4000’s, Catalyst 9800 Wireless LAN controllers, as well as a few other devices in IoT and Cable product li…

June 27, 2019


Cisco Stealthwatch Launches on DevNet

Find documentation, code examples, and a strong community of fellow API developers eager to help When it comes to working with a new API or technology, the learning experience provided by the vendor can have a significant impact on the success of their customers. Having worked with dozens of differe…