
Samar Sharma

Intelligent Traffic Director for Nexus 9k/7k/6k/5k

Samar Sharma is a key innovator, architect and leader in the Data Center Switching Group.


July 30, 2015


ITD: Learn how to deploy ITD in 10 minutes

ITD (Intelligent Traffic Director) is being deployed by a large number of customers, and it is saving them massive CAPEX and OPEX, while providing unprecedented scale and high availability. Here is a 10 minute video that shows step by step ITD deployment.   ITD is shipping on Nexus 9k/7700/7k/…

June 19, 2015


ITD and RISE: New innovations at Cisco Live San Diego

ITD (Intelligent Traffic Director) and RISE (Remote Integrated Services Engine) have been helping Cisco partners and customers save massively on CAPEX and OPEX, while providing unprecedented scalability, high availability and ease and deployment. We had several events at Cisco Live San Diego 2015:…

May 26, 2015


ITD: Winner of the Best of Interop 2015

When the Best of Interop 2015 award winners were announced at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, the ITD team members couldn’t control their emotions. This team is well known to work in a startup-mode — comes up with new ideas, builds a prototype, demonstrates it to the exe…

April 20, 2015


Interop 2015 : ITD is Best of Interop finalist

  ITD (Intelligent Traffic Director) has been selected in Top 3 finalists in the Best of Interop 2015 Data Center category. ITD Delivers: $2 Billion TAM disruptive technology: This technology innovation disrupts today’s $2 Billion TAM for load-balancers, redirection and clustering solutions 10…